Dogs and Mukilteo and the YMCA

on 8/19/04 6:19 am - Edmonds, WA
Two days ago I had a run-in with an unleashed dog. The incident itself caused me no harm except to prey on my utterly irrational but real and deep-seeded fear of dogs. I've not walked since except a little on the treadmill. I've run into 6 unleashed dogs over the last few months and can't do it any more. This last one had me shaking in my tennies, barely controlling my crying while i fumbled to dial home. (No cell - I hate AT&T.) I did eventually get thru and hubby came and rescued me. Anyway, I am not sure how to navigate this. I thought about MACE - but honestly I don't think an escaped dog should suffer because of my fear. I just wanted it to go away. I researched whistles and ultrasonic deterrents. Not confident of these, but would welcome feedback on experiences. A walking partner would be good. Lastly, I was wondering what the chances are that any of you belong to the Mukilteo YMCA? Comments? I was thinking that 1/2 my fam would benefit from a membership there. I am planning on home schooling 2 kids this year - both will have PE requirements that can be met by programs or exercise there. Also winter is coming and perhaps a good routine of going to the Y would set me up for winter success. But I worry about joining a club, you know?? How many clubs have we all joined and never used??? I know I'm rambling. I need to beat this obstacle - I can feel it digging it's claws in. Comments and suggestions so very welcome. Thanks, all! Nan
on 8/19/04 6:31 am - CO
Unleased dogs are a hazard both to walkers and to drivers. I never understood folks who just let the dogs run loose. You need to notify animal control and they can locate the owers.
on 8/19/04 7:18 am - Edmonds, WA
There are three dogs that are regularly not restrained but mostly stick to their owner's property. They do occassionally wander off after the passer by! I think my son has encountered these dogs too. I should call. That might help with the several of my run-ins. Good idea - thanks! Nan
on 8/19/04 6:51 am - Kaiserslautern Military Community, Germany, XX
i completely understand your fear, my cousin and i went for a walk once when we were younger and a dog actually attacked her and bit her right on her butt! the dog had to be put down, come to find out it had rabies and had not had any of its shots, and my cousin was rushed to the er and has been frantic every since of big dogs. a lot of dogs are taught to fight and to attack, and you never know when it will be one of those dogs you are running in to. plus a lot of dogs can sense your fear, and they react on it, so if you try to be hooah and not show you are afraid of it, then maybe they will just go on about their business. i know a friend of mine walks with a big stick... tacky, i know, but she said if a dog ever tried to attack it, she would use the stick... i think it's mean, but she does not go anywhere on foot without it as far as the mace goes, it can leak in your pockets. i worked at a gas station on 3rd shift in chicago when a few years ago, and i carried mace since i walked to and from work. one night i kept smelling what i thought was cat urine... come to find out, the mace was in my back pocket upside down and had leaked all over me, and that awful smell was me.... so i had to rush home, take a shower and change my clothes, and had a pretty bad burn for a while.
on 8/19/04 7:09 am - Edmonds, WA
Thanks for being reassuring! I feel silly for being so afraid. It's the idea of that rare viscious dog that keeps me on edge during my walks. I'm not sure I'm coordinated enough to effective weild (sp?) a stick! hehehe! I didn't know about mace leaking! That's something important to remember! Thanks again, Renee, for your help!! Nan.
on 8/19/04 7:35 am - NM
First, I want to say that last night I was looking at your profile. In your last entry you have three lists. I love this. I think it is very useful information. Good job. Now about this dog thing, my parents used to walk a path where this big nasty dog was always threatening to attack them. I think it finally did. But, my dad started carrying a big stick or golf club or something. This might work for you. It gave them a feeling of control of the situation. And, when the dog finally did go after them with intent, my dad whacked him. I can only think of a few breeds that wouldn't back down. And, the only damage to the dog was a headache and a new found fear of my parents. When my son was born, he couldn't use his limbs very well. It has taken years of therapy to get him where is he is now. Anyway, I had him sitting in the front yard one day befoe he could move much. The neighbor's puppy got away from them and ran to my son's lap. It was in his face giving him kiss. But, it scared the crud out of my son. It took us two years to get him over his fear of dogs. Still, once in a while he panics. Do you know where your fear comes from? And, do you think there is anything that could help you get beyond this? Obviously your a strong woman or you wouldn't be having this surgery. Good luck, ~~Hat~~
on 8/19/04 8:18 am - Edmonds, WA
Thanks for your encouragement, Hat! Any advice on my lists? Anything you would change/add? Everything on them is what I've gleaned from helpful people - you included! I have NO idea why it is that I have this fear as bad as I do. I know that my mother is *very* afraid of dogs. I wasn't really raised with dogs we had two but briefly. Would you believe I HAVE a dog?? She's a good, smart and nice dog. But she's ours and I know what to expect from her. I'm not very afraid of dogs when they are restrained or well managed by their owners or when I am with other people who are not afraid of dogs. It's when I am alone and vulnerable that my fears come out in brute force! UGH!!
on 8/19/04 9:54 am - NM
One thing that really made me feel good in the hospital was my own PJs. But, be warned, you might get them stained. And, buy bigger than usual. I put on 15 pounds from the IV fluids. My PJs didn't fit well. Plus, I got blood on them from the NG tube. Gross.
on 8/19/04 10:48 am - Edmonds, WA
Good idea! I love PJs. Thanks for suggesting a larger size - Did you wear/need a robe? I've read that several people use a second hospital gown for modesty when walking and that sufficed. What's your take?
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