
on 8/18/04 4:00 pm - NM
3 ER visits in 3 days. OK last night I was writing an update. But, half way through, I ended up heading back to the ER. Those details will be at the end. And, as always, this is long. The results are in. I had a stricture. We had to be back to the hospital by 7:30 this morning. We got there about an hour early. It gave us time to dress the boys and try and settle my nerves. As funny as it may seem, I was more scared of this than the surgery. Everyone was really nice, but I was scared to death. The only thing that kept me from running and hiding was that I knew I couldn't spend the rest of my life waiting in ER rooms trying to get IV fluid. I have to say something about my nurse. I told her how scared I was. She was wonderful. She did everything she could to make me feel comfortable. Unfortunately, she is off next week. The short story...Going in, they didn't really know what they would find. Dr. Weber's nurse figured I had abused my pouch and had caused a blockage myself. When they got a good look inside, they found the stricture. I don't know what unit of measurement they use, but my opening was a 4. Dr. Weber wants an opening the size of 12. Dr. Dines stretched me to an 8. So, I will have to return next week for another stretching. The long story (for you details people) When I get nervous, I tell stupid jokes. Even before my WLS, I was asking everyone if they had gone out drinking the night before and telling the worst jokes you have ever heard in your life. This morning, I didn't tell one joke. I went through one of my sons' births with no pain med and only a little with the others. So, pain in general isn't an issue. But, this was different. Maybe it is the control issue coupled with pain. Anyway, I got there and told them flat out I was going to be a big old baby. One of the most helpful things they did for me was listen to every word I said. Until today, it seems like people haven't really listened to me. They would cut me off (last night's doc was the worst) or just didn't care enough to ask. But, the guy that checked me in and my nurse let me lay it all out for them. I filled out some paperwork and then they came for me. They put me in this room with two big windows so I could kind of see outside. They hooked me up to all of the usual equipment after I changed. BTW, all I had to take off was my shirt. They let me keep my pants and most important to me, my bra. I told my nurse that I had real issues with IV needles. I can give blood all day, but any other kind of needle scares (if that's the right word) me. The kids once chased me with a toy syringe and almost got in real trouble for it. I could feel the pain even though it was a toy. Anyway, I asked her to numb the area. Since I was still dehydrated, it was slim pickings. She numbed me up and let it sit for a little while to make sure it was good and numb. Finally she put the IV in and we were ready for the doc. But, we were 30 minute early. So, the nurse went and called Dr. Dines to see if he wanted to start early. I didn't know how I was going to stay calm and wait 30 minutes. But, he showed up in only a few minutes. She had me gargle some nasty stuff that numbs the gag reflex. It was a huge amount. She said to gargle as long as I could. Then in the middle, she told me I would have to swallow it. I think my eyes bugged out. It had been since Sunday since I had swallowed anything. And, I knew this amount would hurt. My throat started to go numb and it kind of felt like it was swelling shut. The nurse talked me through this so I wouldn't panic. Then she said that I gargled for such a long time that I could just spit it out. Thank goodness. The doc came in and we talked a bit about what would happen. I found out what meds they would be giving me and warned him that one of them didn't do much for me when I had it before when I was in labor with my third son. He gave me a little of both and then a little more and a little more and a little more. They later told me that it was a mega dose. Everyone had promised me that the meds would take effect and I would forget everything that happened. I would wake up after the procedure and have no memory. Not. I remember everything that took place. But, it was pain free. And, it was over in no time. Like I said before, the opening to my pouch should have been a 12. Instead, it was a 4. They stretched it, but it would only stretch to an 8. So, next Monday we are head back up for another stretching. At least this time I will be much calmer. I was able to eat food at diner. I had a bit of mashed potatos, some gravy and an egg yolk. It was all very tasty. And, I didn't get sick. ***************** Ok so when I was writing this up last night, my chest started to tighten up. I had taken some of the meds that my doc sent home with me after my surgery. So, I shouldn't have been in any pain at all. I started to get light head and really scared. After thinking about it and realizing that if I passed out or worse, no one would know until morning since they were all in bed. So, I woke DH. It was one of the worst pains I have ever had. I couldn't breath and nothing I did made the pain ease up. DH paniced and scooted me off to the ER. They never figured out what was wrong. But, I was there long enough that the pain eased up. And, they gave me this nasty stuff to drink that seemed to have helped. They did find that my liver functions are to high. The ER doc wants me to have a liver US in the next 72 hours. He thought about keeping me around for another couple of hours so I could have it done this morning. But, since I promised to see my PCP today, he let me out. I did contact my PCP and he said it was no big deal. He said that ER docs tend to over react. He did agree to give me a referral, but said I would have to wait for a regular opening. He refuses to put a rush on it. Today I spent my time trying to get everything worked out so TriWest would pay for my civilian care. If they don't want to, then I get stuck with the bill. I am just going to have faith that it will work itself out. When I wasn't on the phone, I was sleeping. I can't seem to catch up on my sleep. And, until I get some food in me, I suspect I will continue to be weak. Because of all of the action, I didn't get a 3 week weight. I think I lost a couple of pound through all of this, but I will probably have to wait until my one month anniversary to really know. OK so this is enough excitement for any one surgery. I am hoping that everything from here on out is smooth as the first two weeks were. Thanks for all of the prayers and well wishes. It means a lot to me. ~~Hat~~
Kimanne B
on 8/18/04 5:26 pm - Near The Emerald City, wa
Oh my gosh! You poor baby I'm still prayin' for ya! Thanks for the update hun, try and get some rest, I bet you are so exhausted! When you are up to it, let us know how the liver US goes. Hopefully your next post will be how wonderful you feel!!! XoXo- Kimanne
Chanise D.
on 8/19/04 12:17 am - Lakewood, WA
Hat We all are praying for your speedy recovery....As women, we KNOW when something is not right with our bodies and it's a good thing you stayed on them at the ER....Has Dr Weber called or checked on you sice the complications? Get some rest and fluids and take care....
on 8/19/04 12:19 am - Spanaway, WA
Hat, I'm so glad your doing better. I read all your messages (and most others) so I learn more about this whole procedure. My husband follows your messages right along with me. But only yours. Probably because he can put a face with the messages since we met you at the support group meeting. Everything about this is so new to me. I know so little so reading all the messages really helps. I hope you continue to recover well from your ordeal. Best Wishes Arlene
on 8/19/04 2:41 am - Edmonds, WA
WOW!! I am sooooo glad you are doing better. I'll be glad to hear that you are past this issue forever! You are in my prayers, Hat. I love the details you provide! They really are helpful in understanding as well as forming personal expectations. Thank you. I'll keep praying, Nan
on 8/19/04 1:16 pm - Renton, WA
Hat, Hang in there, as if you have a choice, and things will get better. Remember why you are doing this and when at the end of your rope, tie a knot and just hang on!! You are really helpful to all of us and I hope we can all offer you some support through this in return. Keep posting and keep getting stronger. Take care. Karen Thompson Open RNY scheduled 09-15-2004
Cori T.
on 8/19/04 3:30 pm - Neah Bay, WA
Oh my gosh! I'm sure glad they figured out what was wrong though. Hope your Monday's stretching goes without discomfort! Take care!
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