Hi I'm a newbie to WA message boards
Hi Trishia,
I had my surgery on 8/2/04. I took slippers - carmex - pads ( I started my period two days before surgery) and shampoo/toothbrush etc. I took some magazines but never got around to reading them. Make sure you buy a body pillow for when you get home - I'ts a bit hard to get comfortable the first 3-4 days in bed. My surgery went great! I am two weeks out today and have lost 17 pounds. I have never thrown up and feel pretty darn good. Getting stronger each day. I know there are post that say the first few weeks they feel miserable/ were in pain / couldn't keep food down etc. Just remember - everbody is so different. I have been very fortunate and have not experienced any of that to date and I will pray that you will not either!
Best Wishes!