thanks so much for reminding me

on 8/2/04 9:11 pm - Everett, WA
Hi, I came onto the board tonight and there was not only lots of good news, but so much enthusiasm, hope and trust thaat things would be okay. After I awoke from surgery, I went through things rather numbly for a few weeks. (I will be six weeks out this Wednesday already!) All of a sudden, on Saturday, I just lost it. I cried really hard. I felt deprived. I wanted the warm brownie I'd not had at a party a couple days before. I said I hated all the diet drinks and diet food and was too tired to exercise and I was the wrong person ever to have this surgery. I had only lost 32 pounds and "everyone else" was losing more. On and on and worried my poor Jim. I think what happened was that I am in the hibernation phase and it just all hit me that this is permanent and I was not feeling proud of what I had done and was totally certain I could not do all I had said to myself that I'd do. I probably would die soon! Well...for one thing, I discovered that there are recipes for some of the junkfoods I am missing that I could make and eat. I was collecting them like mad this morning, a good project to focus on. If any of you have easy, good post-op recipes please let me know at mailto:[email protected] Thanks. Anyway, when I read your posts tonight, after deliberately *not* visiting the board, I felt so happy for those of you who were finally getting good news, and the hope you had for your survival. It reminded me of the long journey I went through finally getting my surgery date and feeling so proud of myself for following through. It also reminded me that I probably tried too hard to do too much and I just needed to take one thing at a time and let it be. Thanks for this lesson! And it happened without anyone scolding me, like some have over the weekend. Thanks and many blessings to all of you! LM
Kimanne B
on 8/2/04 9:37 pm - Near The Emerald City, wa
Dear Lauren, I'm so glad to hear that your spirits have perked back up! I say this over and over so much I think people get tired of hearing it, lol, but I think its such an emotional as well as physical journey going thru WLS. I haven't even had surgery yet and find myself on the emotional rollercoaster already. But for someone (like myself) the mere thought of not having to live in this big body of mine anymore is SO overwhelming! Things that everyday "normal" weight people take for granted will be such a huge accomplishment to me someday! Regular clothes, walking to get the mail without being winded, tying my shoes, boyshorts! LOL I know I'm rambling, I should have gone to bed hours ago, but I find myself addicted to this website where real people like myself share this one personal goal. Whew.. it makes me weepy right now! Bottom line of what I'm trying to say is, you're alright sister! We all are going thru this at one stage or another. And if you need us, we're right here ready to help or support you ((((((HUGS))))))) Your sister in WLS, Kimanne Oh, and a big PS>>> I'm gonna need those yummie recipes shortly!!
on 8/3/04 1:42 am - Edmonds, WA
It's a great joy to share the entire journey together. Even the lows are made better when you are not alone. I am glad the boards and this great group of people have encouraged you and reminded you of the big picture. Keep looking Up! Many, many blessings,
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