Oh yeah.....
I just wanted to remind everyone I GOT APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you guys believe it? He he...I am so excited!!!!
I gave my neighbor almost all the clothes out of my closet today...except for my new ones and some that I think will be good for the following months. She was in need big time and I really have no business having that much clothing in my possesion, so that felt good.....I think I will go through my other closet tomorrow and give her the rest of my stash.
If anyone needs clothes size 18/20 let me know..I have planty to go around.they're all pretty nice...Gap, Old Navy, Tommy, Ralph Lauren, and I think some Layne Bryant...Just e-mail me and I can figure a way to get them to you.
Have a good night.....I know I am!
Rachael the soon to be LOSER!