
Tanja Y
on 7/27/04 9:03 am - Wahiawa, HI
I'm home, sitting at the computer kinda hurts so just wanted give a shout out to everyone. I did really good, Madigan docs were awesome, nurses in ICU incredible and their sugar free orange jello sucks....but other then that it went great. ~Tanja
on 7/27/04 11:24 am - Spanaway, WA
Welcome back and congrats on your surgery! You are now on the losing side. Take it easy and get better soon, Tee
Kimanne B
on 7/27/04 7:24 pm - Near The Emerald City, wa
Yay! You made it! So glad to hear everything but the jello went good! LOL.. Welcome home and God Bless you in your WLS journey Great to see you back on the site, Kimanne
on 7/28/04 3:46 am - Kaiserslautern Military Community, Germany, XX
welcome home and congratulations! I was anxious to see how you were doing! I am glad you are home and doing good! I am also relieved to see such good comments about the nurses and doctors, hopefully I have the same experience when it is my turn. Who was your surgeon? Remember, if you need anything, do not hesitate! I live on post in Greenwood, so it would not be a problem! Take care, good luck, and keep us posted!
Tanja Y
on 7/29/04 1:38 am - Wahiawa, HI
I can't say enough about the nurses I had. Even the ones that wern't all that great, were still better then some bad nurses I've had in other hospitals. The 'boys' (as my sister and I took to calling them behind their backs) in ICU were so great. Never have I had such great nursing care, and it didn't hurt that they were all good looking guys who treated me like I was an angel. Maybe it's because my dh is deployed, but they all treated me so nicely, gently and even when I was being a whiner and saying I can't do it....they pushed just enough to show me that I could do it. At one point I told one of the boys I felt like I was gonna fall and he just smiled at me and said we won't fall, we'll all just sit together on the floor for a while if that's what you feel you have to do....and then manuvered me to sit back down so fast I'm still not sure how he got me there. Beleive it or not, I was sad to leave ICU and the nurses there. But once I got moved up I found many more great nurses, so it all worked out. My suggestion if you have surgery at Madigan and it's during summer months......take your own fan. They coudln't find one for me and I ended up calling home and my BIL brought a fan from home at midnight one night. 2 hours later I had to defend my fan....against a nurse who wanted to take it out to the desk for them to use. Once I explained it was mine, they put it back down but I did see longing in their eyes when they'd come into my room and see the fan and feel how much cooler it was in my room. Stupid heat wave.....lol. Dr. Eggebroten was my surgeon, but he was very busy and I didn't see much of him, but his residents came in all the time to check on me and to chat to see how I was doing. He was more official like, come in check wound, check on me and buzz back out. But the other docs from the second I was in pre-op to the last day were just awesome. Dr. Carter even came and checked on me several times, he was originally suppose to do the surgery himself but had to cancel. ~Tanja
on 7/29/04 3:38 am - Kaiserslautern Military Community, Germany, XX
the nurses i have had in madigan have always been super nice to me too, it's just those mean old er docs i would like to choke one good time. they are soooo unsympathetic. they like to fill me with morphine and as soon as it kicks in they ask me how i feel, and i'm always like, pain what pain, i feel awesome, this stuff rocks, and they said, improved, go home. lol even the lab techs when they come into poke me, have always been so super nice. i am usually talking their ears off and they come back to check on me even though they dont have to. i always end up asking for warm blankies because i always freeze my butt off in the er, even in summer. they admitted me last year when my husband was deployed and it was funny because it was so cold in the er and so hot on the 6th floor, i was like, uhm, can i go back and sit in the er room, and they asked why, and i was like, i am dying, it is sooo hot in here, and do you know that it is against regulations for them to give a patient a rubberband! i have really super thick hair, and i get hot on my head super easy, and i was so dying. one of the lab techs "accidently" left a gurnie on the bed for me, and I tied my hair up with that lol it is funny you said your surgeon was eggebrotten. i have heard such bad things about him, and i told the surgery clinic i did not want him touching me, so they put me on dr. carters list. i went to eggebrottens class and didnt care much for him, sure he was informative, but he just sent bad vibes to me. other people have said that too, but if he wasnt a good surgeon, he wouldnt be there... right? right.
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