After wanting this sugery, discussing it for hours with husband, and going thru the hassle of everything with Tri-Care/Madigan and being told I was just to wait for a date I finally got fed up. Last week I called and said I wanted a referral to get the WLS by a civilian doctor. They very next day they called and set up an appointment next week to see the surgeon and gave me a date at the end of July. After all this......waiting for over a year I have a sudden case of nerves. I know I need this, everything else I've ever tried has failed. My health isn't the greatest, my knees ache 24/7 and sometimes I walk like I'm in my 80's instead of 30's. I don't know which his worse, my excitement or my nervousness!
I know I'm being silly, but my nerves are just going haywire!!!!!!!
The nerves are normal. We all had them. I can so relate to the bad knees. I was looking at a wheel chair or this surgery. I can tell you how much better I feel now, but my best advice would do as much research on this surgery as you can. If you've been looking at this surgery for over a year you're probably aware of the risks and benefits of this surgery so you've got all the tools to make the decision that's right for you. For myself, I was glad I worked through the nerves and saw the doctor. I've never looked back. If you didn't have the feelings of nerves and excitement I would be surprised for it's something all of us went through. Good luck.
Ya know what, I went through the EXACT same thing with MAMC. I called and asked for a referral out, they set up my surgery date before I even met the surgeon, and said, there ya go. I was kinda like, well, had I known this would work a year and a half ago, I would have done it then. My surgery date is 01 SEP because I had to pu**** back because the DH will be in PLDC. That kinda bursted my little bubble, too, but I figured, if I had to sit and wait this long, another month couldn't kill me. Plus, they kept me on the "quick-list" so if someone were to back out between now and then, I could still have it done quicker. But if you need anything let me know! Good luck to you!!!

I am not trying to sound like a know it all, but if you want your husband home for the surgery, you can get him home. I am the FRG leader in my husband's company, and I know for a fact that they can get him here. I don't know if you are active in your FRG at all, but you should definately look into it. If I can help you, let me know.