Urgent! possible angel!
When I was an angel (twice) I visited the person in the hospital on their 2nd day, took some protein samples, a magazine, some sugarfree syrup, that sort of stuff....just some nice little gifts....and checked up on them.
Then I'd report back to their online group or groups how they were doing.
Once home, I've kept in contact, helping them with questions, or directing them to someone who knows the answer. I've gone to support groups with them (when local to me) and we stay in touch by email.
I had two angels.....one brought me the most lovely lotion and lip salve....and another gave me a nifty cup that has a built in blender. Now we all stay in touch by personal email and encourage each other. It's just a more personal touch, and a direct line of support. We have also all swapped protien powders we didn't like....or one did like....so that didn't waste it.
Hope this helps.