Tri-pain in my butt-West

on 6/4/04 8:07 pm - NM
OK, so the switch over was expected as were the problems that go with switching over to a new system. But, really, they should be getting some sort of hold on the whole thing. I noticed that my referral for presurgery visits was about to expire. I am approved for two more visits before the 11th. Since Pam is still catching up on her paperwork from her vacation and only worked 1 1/2 days this week, I don't expect my paperwork to be pushed through in time to at least get another visit in. So, I called up to ask for an extention. With Healthcare Services, this was never a problem. So, foolishly I call them up. The first number I called, was a Triwest number that was on some other paperwork I got from them. At that number, I got a message listing things I might be calling them for and telling me what number to call. The funny thing was that for all but the first choice, the number to call was the same. 1-888-TRIWEST OK, simple enough. I called that number. I spoke to a very nice lady. After confirming my name, my husband's name, my address, my birthday, sponcer's ssn and my mother's blood type, she said that she was able to give me the right number to call. I guess it is a super secret number. If I abuse it, they will come over and shave my first born's head. But, like I said, she was really nice. She asked me what number I called. Then said that she was back east. The people out here hadn't given them much information. But, even though the message out here said I had to call back there, she told me that I had to call back out here. She said that someday soon she would just be able to transfer me, but the phones weren't set up to do that yet. Not a problem. I am an expert dialer. I take 10 minutes to get my son from school and return to the phone. The number I call puts me on hold automatically. It was very educational. I know what to do if I have a baby and how long said baby will be covered before they get dropped if I don't do anything (120 days). I know what number to call if I have a dental desire. I know what to do if I move and how it depends on where I move to. I know that if I am retired, I can now pay my policy fees quarterly or anually with a CC on the website. I know that I can find a complete list of providers on the web site. I know several other things because the messages looped over and over and over and over. I know all of this because I was on hold for 1 HOUR AND 45 MINUTES. At this point, I was starting to think I would need an appointment with my PCP to address the new neck issue I have. On the plus side, besides now being very versed in everything except what I wanted, I did a ton of spring cleaning. All of the baby clothes were taken to the Airman's attic as soon as I got off the phone. Congrats ME. My baby is almost four. So, it only took me forever to finally give up thoughts of having another baby. Never mind that I had DH "fixed" 3 years ago. Anyway, after 1 3/4 hours, I decided to hit 0 and see if an operator came on. You can imagine my excitement when that &)&*$# message finally went away. But, it was replaced with a new message. "We are sorry, but we are experiencing difficulties right now. Please call back later." OH MY ! Instead of dumping people off the line, they just let me sit there waiting. I couldn't just hang up. I felt like Phoebe on Friends when she couldn't hang up. They kept promising me they would be with me shortly. They promised. What is it about being on hold? You just know if you hang up, they would have answered the call 30 seconds later. So, I did what anyone would do. I called right back. They were still letting people connect and be put on hold. A couple of hours later, I called back to see if they had the problem fixed and was automatically notified that there was no one there to help me. At least that was an improvement. I guess they all gave up and went home. This is why they service you from another unknown location half way around the world. If people actually knew where to find them . Oh and on another note, I remember being told straight out that there would be no changes to the way things worked other than dealing with different people. But, only 4 days into the change over, they have already changed the policy for the psych evaluation. Isn't that sweet? No changes means none they are going to admit to I guess. I have had a really pissy day. After the phone marathon, I put a box out by the front door on my way to the Airman's Attic. My neighbor is moving and will need the box. But, she was watering our yards, so I was going to deliver it after she turned off the water. We got a yard write up because there was a box in our front yard. Grrrr! A couple of other things went wrong. Plus, since Pam, the insurance lady, didn't call me back yesterday like she said she would, I called up there. I don't want to **** her off, but I don't want to do nothing either. I was half afraid the way my day was going, she would say that they had decided to not do surgery on anyone named Hat. Instead, she is off today. Everything I had planned to talk care of today fell through. At 3pm, I put on my PJs and refused to face any more outside world today. I did housework and the family wisely decided to go to the park. They didn't even complain that I fed them Hamburger Helper for diner. Smart kids. OK I feel better now. How was your day?
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