Madigan's Behavioral Health Clinic

on 5/20/04 3:44 pm - Oak Grove, KY
I got a call from Madigan's Behavioral Health Clinic today. I have an appointment set up for next week. What should I expect from this appointment? Has anyone had an appointment with them? Well this is another small step in the right direction
on 5/20/04 4:10 pm - NM
I played phone tag with the Lt Col today. When we finally matched up, I asked her what to expect since I don't need to go to this appointment. Apparently it starts with paperwork. Then we will go into a group setting and she will talk to use about different ways to deal with the many changes we will go through. It sounded interesting enough that I am going to go. I figure that unles she bores me to death, then more information is a good thing. BTW, she sounded really nice. It didn't seem to bug her at all that I didn't need the class and had already been seen on the "outside." The feeling I got was that she just wanted to help in any way she can. And, she told me that since I don't need anything from them, I don't have to fill out any of the paperwork. Works for me. I am glad you mentioned this. I was wonder who else would be there. Hat
on 5/25/04 10:52 am - Kaiserslautern Military Community, Germany, XX
is this suitable for dr weber, or do we still have to see an actual shrink? can we do it at madigan? or will madigan refer us out?
on 5/25/04 2:39 pm - NM
I was at the group meeting today. Where were you guys? Well, don't feel bad. No one else was there. I had the date wrong. I checked in and sat there for thirty minutes before they realized I was there on the wrong day. I did enjoy the quiet time. As it turns out, I can't go to the one tomorrow. I don't know if they can meet Dr. Weber's requirements. I would suggest taking that page with the required tests with you to the appointment so you can ask. I hope you guys will give me a report of what the meeting is like.
on 5/25/04 5:00 pm - Oak Grove, KY
Seeeeee, that is the reason I use my calendar because I would be right there at that meeting with you We will keep you informed about the meeting for tomorrow
Mandy S.
on 5/20/04 6:14 pm - Olympia, WA
The appointment really isn't all that bad. It's pretty boring, but its something kind of interesting to hear, if not from her the responses of everyone else in the class! haha! Basically they are going to go over, why you eat what you eat and how to change that. They give you more handouts. It's a pretty lengthy group appointment but it's not very personal so no worriesthere. This class will also give you the chance to communicate with others, and it made me feel better a bout some of the crazy things I ate before sugery b ecause I realized I wasn't the only one eating fastfood all the time LOL! The lady who runs the class is very smart and very nice. I think its important to have a possitve attitude going through these classes even though they may be completly boring, it gives you a chance to hear other peoples progress in the same race to the surgery at madigan. Love Mandy P.S. When is the next support group meeting? And is anyone going? - I was at the last one it was really full! Like always!
Rachael E.
on 5/21/04 1:48 am
Derek went last week and said it was so totally boreing. For the Madigan people it's not a requirement, but he though maybe he should go anyway. He said it was such a waste of gas. Maybe it's because he's a guy???
on 5/21/04 2:37 am - NM
The next one is June 8. I plan on going. I think they are great.
on 5/22/04 4:22 pm - Kaiserslautern Military Community, Germany, XX
Well, I guess I will see you (Gloria) and Hat again, seems we keep setting up the same appt's together, which is cool, I love the buddy system. Look forward to seeing you guys, hopefully I will be able to stick around and talk afterwards this time around instead of running off.
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