I'm sad.my husbund has al...
I just read the love letter left on your support page from you "one" supporter. It looks to me like your 1 is worth a million. Still though, I think you have more posts on your support page than I do. People don't really leave any notes there until you have a date. Then I bet you'll get a flood of them.

Hi Rachael
, you are not alone look at my support page, it is almost none existent. You are really on the ball with getting your surgery done. I am still debating between Carter and Weber. Hat Box is right, once you get a date they will come. So you have twins, are they ferternal or identical? Double the fun. You will enjoy the site, it is so informative. I wrote your husband to congrat. him on his date. You all are really bless to have each other. God bless

My orientation was held at Steven's Hospital. I can't say that I gave the hospital a fair shake. I only saw a small part of the hospital. But, I would like something that looked as nice or better than Madigan. I have read good and bad reviews about both places. And, I suspect this is like L&D. As long as there are no major complications, then it is really the nursing staff that makes or breaks the place.