I have a surgery date! Nervous Jan. 12, 2004
Have been reading all I can on this site. Has helped a lot. But still nervous.
But excited.
Still new on how to post messages.
This will probably be a mess, just like me.
6 days till Christmas
24 till surgery.!! Hope everything goes well. Other surgeries have never made me nervous, but this one???
Anyone have any words of wisdom on Overlake hosp. In Bellevue, Wa.
to all of you who are doing so well. Will try to follow in your footsteps

I believe we are all nervous and scared
, as we are about to start a new journey in life when we make this decision. I plan to make it a wonderful journey from the very beginning. I will be having my surgery at St. Francis with Dr. Oh on 1/8/04, so I cant tell you anything about Overlake, but I have heard in general that it is a good hospital. We are all there for you and wish you the best in your new journey.
My journey begins in 19 days and I will be off and running!
well maybe not running but you know what I mean!

Janet!! I'm having surgery on the 6th. It is a big step... but ya know? It's the first step out into a new life. I think it's the unknown that we fear. We just have to have faith that everything will work out just as it is suppose to and go from there. I'm going to be at St. Francis with Dr. Oh, but I'm sure Overlake is a wonderful place with many caring and thoughtful people that only have your best interests at heart.
Make sure you spend this time of preparation eating well, exercising as you can, and drinking lots of water. If you can go on protein supplements now, your healing will be much easier (I hear, via the vitalady!) As we go through this process, we'll try to keep all who are waiting "in the know" so there won't be too many surprises for you!
You take care, breathe deeply and enjoy your holidays!!! Smile and be happy. The ones who do best with this surgery are the ones with a positive attitude and who pray. I'm praying... you start smiling. This is a good thing!
Best wishes...