Right upper Quadrant pain and update

Gina Landers
on 8/26/03 10:48 pm - Macon, GA
Hi I know it has been a long time since I posted. I had a revision with Dr Oh in Feb 2002 , and I am now 24 pounds from my personal goal weight of 150. I know that I will eventually get to my goal and then I will pursue the lower body lift surgery that I need. To give you an update, I started having severe right upper quadrant pain in Mid March. I saw a local surgeon who put me through a barrage of tests, and eventually sent me to two other surgeons out of town. Mind you, I would/ve seen Dr Oh, but as I live in Georgia, and he is in Washington state, makes a bit of a commute , if the problem is something that can be taken care of locally. Anyway, after being told by 2 of 3 surgeons that I needed exploratory lap surgery and an intraoperative cholangiogram, I decided that I needed another opinion and flew to Ohio.. long story, but the timing wasnt right for me to return to Washington state at this time, and saw a great surgeon. I had an MRI MRCP the day I arrived, and it was abnormal, so he scheduled me to have a percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram.. a most unpleasant and painful test. This test didnt provide a good study and made me very sick for a couple of days. However, due to the fact it wasnt a good study, I had to repeat the test a week later, and it was completely normal. However, in the meantime, I had a day of excruciating pain.. very spasmodic, and crampy.. biliary colic type pain. A GI doc has suggested that I possibly had some biliary sludge and that was causing the problem. However due to the manipulation of the cholangiogram, the sludge could/ve been flushed through the biliary system. At any rate, I was very happy that the last test was normal cuz the surgeon had told me if he had to do surgery to remove a stone, etc on the biliary system, he would have to take down the gastric bypass as he would have to make another roux limb to allow the bile free passage. I was petrified that he would have to take down my gastric bypass when I still have weight to lose. I am totally relieved that my pain has resolved, even though we arent sure of the exact cause and that my gastric bypass will stay intact for now. I had three surgeries in less than 14 months, and sure wasnt looking forward to another one, unless it is to remove the redundant skin from losing the 218 pounds so far. Life is so good most of the time. I have energy and feel like doing things I couldnt have done almost three years ago.. like crawling in the floor with my granddaughter, walking the mall for hours, going to the zoo, climbing bleachers at a a baseball game, fitting into smaller clothes, seeing my reflection in a mirror and wondering who that woman is. .. just being normal for the first time in a long time.. That is all I ever wanted , was to look normal, feel normal, and be thought of as a normal person.. not the fattest woman you ever saw. Anyway, I hope that everyone realizes their goal and reaches it someday.. This tool makes it possible, but we can never forget that we are just in remission from our incurable disease, obesity. Peachy hugs, Gina
Sasha A.
on 8/27/03 5:56 am - Buckley, WA
I am so glad that you are pain free now. I know how scary it is to have some kind of pain and not know the cause! Especially if doctors don't really have the answers. I hope you continue to feel great! Take care
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