Everett Meeting

on 6/6/03 11:52 am - Lake Stevens, WA
I would like to hold a first support group meeting here in Everett next Saturday, 6/14/03. I haven't selected a place yet, because I have no idea how many people are interested in a support group here and how many attendees there would be. Anyone interested in joining me, please let me know if you can suggest a meeting place. I was thinking, if the group is only a few people, Starbucks, but if it's larger, perhaps reservations at a restaurant like Azteca, or we could meet at one of the local parks or something. Please e-mail your suggestions to me at [email protected]. Thank you.
Leah G.
on 6/14/03 2:18 pm - Puyallup, WA
Well looks like only you and I live in Everett.. Hee hee Well, I won't be here for that much longer anyway. So you had your surgery two months before me, how much have you lost? Did your weight loss slow way down at about 6+ months? Boy I have been working really hard just to get a lb off here and there. I do an hour exercise every day, well just since about the passed month, it was here and there before that.
on 7/6/03 6:57 am - EVERETT, WA
Hi, don't know how many folks are answereing your note, but I just saw it. Today is July 7th and I want to know if you are still going to have meetings? I would prefer not meeting in and restuatants, (food is how I got into this problem) I am almost one month post op and had the lapband done. I am struggling with hunger. Let me know if you have and luck, maybe we could match up with the Edmond folks, they meet at the Stevens hospital meeting room. Thanks Pat
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