Which surgery to choose

Carolyn C.
on 5/29/03 5:50 am
I would like to have several comments on why you feel the surgery you choose is the best for you. What are the differences between the surgeries other than either being cut open verses laproscopic (sp) I only want to do this once. I want a speedy recover, can't take off too much time off work. Thanks for any comments CC
on 5/29/03 4:12 pm - Roanoke, VA
This is one of the toughest questions, in my opinion. I think a laparoscopic RNY in the hands of a very-experienced lap-RNY doc is the best way to go. Portland OHSU, and maybe a couple in Seattle are the only ones in our area I know of. My doctor has recently started doing this lap, so is most experienced with an open. I think if they can accompli**** via lap, it is much better in terms of recovery time. The open is supposed to be considerably safer, but longer healing time by far. There is lots about the BPD/DS, and although I was inclined to go that way myself at first, I would have to travel very far to get it, and I'm not willing to do that for personal reasons. I know lots of people who have the BPD with or without DS are extremely pleased, and you eliminate the problems of dumping, but I'm personally hoping that I can sort of count on dumping to keep me on the straight and narrow postop. I think DS is for BMI 50 or over, (I am 49.6) so I could probably qualify, but the RNY is the tried-and-true gold standard, more long-term postops out there to supply info. In the best case scenario, I'd visit with either two docs, or one who does all three kinds of procedures, and see what they think.
Jean W.
on 7/2/03 3:17 pm
Carolyn, I was also concerned with a quick recovery. I had a LAP-RNY three weeks ago. The speed of recovery is amazing. I almost chose a LAP band, but I saw these patients were having bypass after the band didn't work for them. Dr Brad Watkins did my surgery and he is in Kirkland Wa. His phone number is 425-899-4610. I highly recommend him!!!
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