4 year Anniversary of my LapSleeve!!!!
The 16th of this month will mark my 4 year anniversary of my LapSleeve surgery!

5 years ago I hit 'the wall.' I had hit rock bottom and was officially ready to take permanant measures. I was over 300lbs when I started my journey. I researched for about a year. I even bought the online report cards for the surgeons. Definitely not as exciting as I thought, lol.

After all my digging I knew I wanted a place that would take care of me, I went to a seminar at PSSC in Edmonds (Puget Sound Surgical Center). I was amazed at the program, but also amazed my thoughts had changed. I went anticipating information on LapBand surgery... all the rage. I left with a tough decision to make. I was honest with myself and knew the LapSleeve was right for me. (If anyone could manipulate a band it would be this girl).
Best Decision EVER...
After meeting Dr Peter Billing, I knew he was in this for the right reasons. He made me feel comfortable and very informed about what I was about to do.
I still see Dr Billing... I am 4 years out... time flies and it was never easy in the beggining. It is easy now and I have had a lot of help and support throughout my journey. If you want more details on my story, I am on the website too! www.pugetsoundbariatrics.com
130lbs STILL GONE.... Good riddance! Thank you PSSC and Dr B! I can't beleive how fast 4 years flies when you are healthy and happy!
Hi Katie,
I'm considering this surgery and would love your advice. I'm from British Columbia and the waiting time for surgery for the doctor I would like to go to in Vancouver is 1-1/2 for a consult appt. How long was it from the time you went to the seminar until your surgery date?
Also, I see that the LapSleeve is an outpatient surgery vs. one with a short hospital stay. Can you explain how that was?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Hi Dee!
I apologize I am rarely on here. Just every once in a blue moon. I will be 6 years out next month and doing great! Timing to surgery at my center is dependent on what is needed preop. For example any clinical testing like blood work etc. Also there are a few intro appointments. Patients without US insurance will be faster. I would say from consult to surgery a motivated individual would be looking at 6-8 weeks give or take.
I work at the center now. I started 2 years after my surgery. We have done the Lapsleeve since 2007 as an outpatient procedure. Patients will either stay the night (usually if they have sleep apnea) or stay in town overnight before heading home if they are traveling a fair distance.
We have many patients from Canada who we are able to easily take care of at our Bellingham WA clinic. Surgery is at the main center in Edmonds just north of Seattle.
I'd be happy to chat more. There is never any pressure! I will be back in the office Monday. I have some meetings in the morning. 425.778.2220 ext. 216 or my email is [email protected].
Outpatient surgery went very well for me. Are there specific concerns I can address for you?
I am not shy about my experience and journey so feel free to ask anything!
I can also check back here too!
Again, sorry for the delay!
Talk soon,
Katie ;)