Pre Op advice

on 3/18/12 2:25 am - WA
VSG on 04/11/12
 Hi OH. I'm very new to this site. First post. I'm very excited. Wondering if I could chat with anyone about the 3 weeks prior to. VGS with Dr. Srikanth? Did you do 10 days of clear liquids? I'm a little worried cause I have shifts to work during that time. I would love to hear from any VSG post ops from Dr. Srikanth. Here I go......
on 3/18/12 9:31 am - Vancouver, WA
You might also go to the VSG forum and scout for his patients and ask them. Good luck to you, I hear he is an amazing surgeon!
on 3/19/12 6:17 am - WA
VSG on 04/11/12
 Thank you. I have heard very good things so far!
on 3/22/12 7:16 am - University Place, WA
REALIZE Band on 03/27/12
 we have the same surgeon. I am currently on my liquid diet and am miiiserrabbllle. I'm literally taking it minute by minute. I can't wait until this part is over. My surgery is in Tuesday. I'm getting the realize band. I wanted the sleeve really bad but insurance would not cover it. 
When it is liquid diet time just make sure you have a lot of broth and water on hand. Just be menatlly prepared that this is going to suuuuckkkk. But just keep in mind it will all be worth it n the end. :)
on 3/25/12 8:43 pm - WA
VSG on 04/11/12
 Thanks for writing! Can u believe you are almost ready? I wish you the best. I have been trying different protein shakes to narrow done what to use when I'm on the clear liquids. I'm a big crystal light and sf Popsicle fan. That should help. Thanks for your encouragement. U will be on the other side of this soon!!
on 4/4/12 4:37 am - University Place, WA
REALIZE Band on 03/27/12
 How is your liquid diet going? I bet you are getting excited for surgery next week :)!
The hospital was such a great experiance, every single person I came into contact with there were so nice. They make sure you are as comfortable as possible. 
I hope you are doing well :)
on 4/4/12 11:33 am - WA
VSG on 04/11/12
 The liquid diet is tough but ok. The protein shakes get tiring fast. But only a week left. Seems like there's lots to do. How are you feeling?  How's the first week been?!? 
on 4/25/12 1:24 pm - WA
RNY on 05/21/12
 So, I asked about Protein shakes on another Forum for RNY and everyone concluded that buy a few brands and keep them on hand. Apparently any that you might like pre-surgery you might not like after and vs versa.  I'm sure it's the same for the Sleeve.   That's very exciting though...I am lucky my doctor only makes me do a liquid diet for 2 days. I'm on a low carb diet right now for 4 weeks.  Although at first I felt extremely sick because my body was freaking out. 

on 4/4/12 11:40 am - University Place, WA
REALIZE Band on 03/27/12
 I think this week has been harder than the preop. I think because I know I have 5 more weeks of this diet. But it's not forever... right:)

I'm moving around more though, I think once I feel 100% things will start to get better. 

I'm so excited for your sleeve. You're going to do great!
on 4/7/12 11:58 am - WA
VSG on 04/11/12
 How are you feeling??
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