Home again and changes!

on 6/7/10 6:11 am - Cheney, WA
Had my surgery on June 2nd and am back home.  Yesterday I over did it a tad by going for an hour and a half walk (I never claimed to be a genious folks, lol), but in the process realized I was dehydrated.  Have to watch the lemon juice I so enjoy, so switched over to water.  (blisters in your throat can force change, lol)

I am quite sore, but my dog, bless him, has been terrific with me.  People were shocked to see me walking with a walker (other health issues, here - with the surgery, I needed additional help) and walking my 90 pound dog.  He doesn't pull or anything, so I had few doubts he'd misbehave - I was right.

Today, I went in and chopped my hair.  It went from past my waist to shoulder length.  I then purchased hair accessories, new sunglasses, and wearing smaller clothes, went for a walk.  It's amazing how many folks stopped me and told me I seemed vibrant - even radiant - and admittedly, the few pounds I've lost have helped my mood as well.

I still have energy, but given I've no desire to end up back in the hopsital (I'm not able to meet my food or liquid intake yet - but am working on it), I'm attacking one of my closets today.  I'll bring things a few at a time to the living room and sort them while watching some sort of program - and will feel at least like I am doing something.

They did have to remove part of my stomach and the hernia gave them a few problems, but I'm back home now!  Still not online much (in fact, today is the first time I've been online), but wanted to say I'm glad to be home, glad I got my hair cut, and believe it or not, I'm actually considering makeup!  I'm going for the professional look now - go figure!
on 6/7/10 6:17 am

Congrats!!! Glad to hear your surgery went well and that you are feeling so great! Be careful not to overdo it so early out, I wasn't cleared for exercise for 6 weeks. You've got a radiant glow and no wonder! I can tell by your post you feel ALIVE again! Congrats to you!

Make a pregnancy ticker  
  Hit goal 10/31/09!  RNY!!!

on 6/7/10 9:47 am - Cheney, WA
You're absolutely right - but you know, I had no idea that I HATED myself!  I'm near tears even writing this because I want to live, experience, and go all out.  As a wildlife photographer, I live for the wild.  Much of that is waiting and watching, but still, I so love to walk!

I was told to take it slow - and I paid dearly for my abition yesterday.  I'm so excited to feel alive, to WANT to go out in pubic (and yes, I'm basking in compliments!), and even dance.  I'm one of those people who lives in the moment and goes with it with all I have.  Pacing myself is difficult.

A friend recently mentioned, that for me, pacing myself will be the hardest part of this entire ordeal.  I also think that since the hernia was causing so much pain - and the removal of part of my stomach (also a constant source of pain), I'm feeling better almost immediately.  I have energy I haven't had in months and REALLY want to jump on my bike, go dancing, go for a five mile hike with my camera, and, and, and...

Has anybody else experienced this?  I know just from looking that I am one mass of bruises - and I'm not even close to the protein consumption.  Eating is painful and I'd rather drink.  I opened one of my protein shakes today.  Already I can see I will need to depend on those much more than I had hoped.  More than likely I will alternate between those and water - at least for a while.  I did manage an ounce of yogurt, several of water, and a couple of the chocolate shake.  Even I can see that the food I am ingesting won't keep an anorexic alive (years ago, I used to be one - then switched sides) and I've no desire to go down that road.  I'm planning on calling the dietician early tomorrow to discuss some of these issues...but that song with the line "I feel good..." is rocking in the back of my head!!!!!!

on 6/7/10 10:13 am - Cheney, WA
Talked to the dietician and was told to wait a couple more weeks on applesauce since it wasn't exactly liquid. Also, must increase fluids and keep exercise down to 15 minute intervals - I will obey...I will obey...I will obey...
on 6/7/10 1:02 pm - Cheney, WA
I wanted to add that the dietician was on her way out when she stopped to take my call.  The nurses told me I could drink anything I wanted - that soup was not considered food.  I am glad I didn't listen to them.  They also said a protein drink was not considered a meal - again, they were wrong.  I was fortunate she was able to listen and help me figure out where I should be right now - and I have some work ahead of me.  I did have broccoli and cheese soup tonight and will admit that it was simply delicious!  LOL

One other thing, I'm crying over nothing at the moment - I think they are tears of joy, relief, and not sure what else - I'll be visiting my therapist soon to discuss this.  Is this a 'normal' event?
on 6/17/10 2:44 am - Bellevue, WA
Sounds like you have a nice nutritionist. I would not worry about food too much right now, keep on with the protein shakes, applesauce, cottage cheese etc. and water.  I too cry over nothing and everything. To add to this the owner/broker of my company passed away unexpectedly and he was a good friend. I am very depressed at the moment and I meet with a therapist tomorrow.

On the bright side my blood pressure is way down (reduced menication) and I have lits of energy so I go to the gym 5+ times a week. Soon you will be able to do everything you want

Keep up the good work
on 6/17/10 6:32 am - Cheney, WA
My sympathies - I, too, have lost suddenly and it is a devistating feeling.   My prayers are with you - and your friend's family.  I was told yesterday that I can climb on my bike for a ride (good thing since I would have anyway!) if only for a couple of miles.  It's a most wonderful feeling!!  (Now, if I can only get the ticker to work!)
on 6/17/10 6:38 am - Cheney, WA
My sympathies are with you - I know how you feel.  I, too, have lost people suddenly.  My prayers are with you and your friend's family.  I'll write more later...but you're not alone.
on 6/16/10 11:38 am - Spokane, WA
Well I guess better late than never! Congratulations on a successful surgery and all your little changes! I am sure you are radiant!

My new pouch was born 7/19/10
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