On the pathway at Madigan...
I'm currently doing the "pathway" at Madigan. I've had my occupational therapy class, Nutrition I is on Tuesday and hopefully Nutrition II will be a week from then, along with Stress Management and the support group visit. (I was told they no longer require Goal Setting.) Then it's onto the mental health evals...
Can anyone who's done the pathway give me an idea on what to expect during the mental health evals? How quickly do things go from here? Anyone at the same place and looking for a buddy?

Looking forward to getting to know you all,
I did not have to have the psych eval, so I cannot answer (I was a revision, and told I did not have to repeat a bunch of stuff!)..but from what I remember from others going through it at the same time, it is a day thing, then they get the results to your surgeon right away. Hopefully others will chime in and give you the scoop!
I just finished the pathways program Madigan. I did have to take a goal setting class. The first appointment for the mental health evaluation is just you taking tests. They are all fill in the bubble type questions. I am not exact in the number of questions, but there was a test with a couple of hundred questions on it, one with over 100, and then a couple shorter 25 question tests. They all ask different questions, in different ways about your mental health, support system, state of mind, any history of chemical dependency. They ask questions about your mood, overall state of your life and if you are happy. It isn't bad. The second appointment you have will be to go over the results. I was scheduled with a Dr. Kelleher, or something like that. I was seen by an active duty intern. He was really nice. He will tell you if your test results are acceptable to have the surgery. He also asks questions again and writes down your answers to some questions. He asks about diets you have tried in the past, how are your changing your life now in preparation for the surgery, your support system at home, what you expect after surgery, and things like that. He told me that what they are looking for is something about you that would make them believe you will not follow your after surgery instructions, and in return by doing that you will end up costing them more money in the long run.
After my appointment with psych, he said that it would take about 2 weeks to get all of the paperwork together and that they would call me when I could schedule with the surgeon. I actually got a call 3 days later saying all of my paperwork was in. I called the surgeon and got an appointment with him for about 2 weeks later. They schedule the operating rooms 30 days out. I met him in late May. He could have scheduled me for July surgery. I want it August though so he told me to call him July1 and tell him what week I want the surgery and he will schedule the operating room. When you meet with the surgeon he will put in for any additional tests you need. I don't need any except the standard blood tests. If you have heart, lung, or sleep apnea problems you will need extra tests. I hope that helps. Jenny
The interview was long and I must say that I had trouble with doing serial 7's (at my interview she wanted me to count backwards from 100 by intervals of 7).
Thanks again for all the info.