Plastics at U of Washington?

karen C.
on 5/16/10 10:16 am - Kennewick, WA
Kathy, thanks for the info. Who would I contact at U of W about the inner thigh proceedure that I need? I don't anticipate doing the arms and breasts tho like my older brother said, "Kind of like painting one room in the house isn't it?" How true!

Karen C

on 5/16/10 10:40 am - Buckley, WA
The contact person for the plastics residency program is
Shiela Moss 206-598-2342 .
University of Washington Medical Centers
1959 NE Pacific Street
BOX 356165
Seattle , Wa.98195

Consultation fee is $250.00 (someone else said it's $300.00 now)


karen C.
on 5/16/10 1:17 pm - Kennewick, WA

Thanks. I don't plan to have the inner thigh work done before next summer. Does it matter when I have my consultation done? I want to get all of the info so that I know what cost I am dealing with. However, I don't want to have to redo the consultation if it is just good for a certain amount of time. Does that make any sense to you? Sometimes tests and labs are just good up to a certain amount of time before you have the surgery. I don't know if consultations are the same. I hope not.

Karen C

on 5/17/10 4:30 am - Buckley, WA

Karen , you'll need to contact the contact person & talk to her , because things may have changed since I went through it . It may not be the same person , but the phone # should be the same . My daycare lady just had a face lift through this program . How it went with me was they sent me some info , I was put on a waiting list . When my name came up , they called & I got my cosultation date . You have to pay for the consultation . Then you get your pre-op date , surgery date , etc....

They only do their residency procedures ala carte , meaning one procedure at a time . But , you can make a deal where the chief surgeon (who's there anyway) does one procedure & the resident does one . The benefit is you'll save money on the OR . You'll pay more for the chief surgeons part . That's what my daycare lady did . I'd just call the # & ask how it works ,now . In case they've changed anything .


on 5/25/10 4:07 pm - Bellevue, WA
Try Dr. Min He is in Kirkland sorry I do not have his #
on 6/8/10 9:58 am - Buckley, WA
Hi Karen , I was wondering if you have tried to contact UW , yet ? Just curious . I plan on going through them again in a year or two & wondering if anything has changed with the residentsy program . Kathy


karen C.
on 6/9/10 6:22 am - Kennewick, WA
I just now am in  the process of sending for info. I'll let you know what I find out. Daughter is expecting child #3 in 2 weeks. She lives in Chehalist; I'm in Kennewick. . . been just a bit busy running back and forth. I won't be able to have my upper thighs done before next summer so haven't been in a hurry.

Karen C

on 6/11/10 9:10 am - Buckley, WA
 Congratulations on the new baby to be . I hope your daughter has an easy delivery . I have 6 grandkids , ages 16 yrs-11 1/2 mos  . Lizzie , the youngest , is an absolute crack up . I adore them all & they're all very different .


karen C.
on 6/11/10 9:21 am - Kennewick, WA
I got a call back from the U with some info. consultation fee of $250.00. If I want surgery next summer I should set up consult about January of 2011. Fee quoted (with disclaimer for extra work etc) was $5800.00 for upper inner thighs. I told him it would probably be pretty extensive. Much cheaper than one of the private docs in the area.

Karen C

on 6/21/10 1:02 pm - Buckley, WA
I know some people have issues with having surgery by a resident , but I think it is a great opportunity for some of us who wouldn't ever be able to afford it otherwise . You couldn't be in a better place & the chief surgeon is right there . I bet the thigh lift would be triple UW's price at a private P.S's facility . Thanks for updating . I hope you'll post when you actually are in the process .


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