hello, i'm new...and determined;)
I'm new to Obesity Help and message boards, so bare with me;) I'm more than three years out, and I still have a HARD time with grazing. I'm trying very hard to keep my stress level down and that been helping me some. I am determined to succeed because I'm not going back to where I was!
I am thinking about going to hear Katie Jay speak in Seattle. I don't live in Washington, but will be out that way for business. Is anyone planning on going to the Seattle Ba****hink it's March 11th? I've heard Katie speak before and she is very motivating. Here is a link to her event ...
I read a lot of books on staying positive and on emotional eating. If anyone has a good one to recommend, I would appreciate it! Thanks for listening,
Hi Brooke ,
I'm 3 1/2 years out . Grazing (at night) is tough for me , too . I'm an emotional eater , as well . The things that sometimes help me are :
Support . Friends , family & a great support group (even though I don't get there every month) .
Making sure I have filling , dense protein in the fridge . Such as left over baked chicken .
Things to keep me busy . reading , computer , etc...
I'm sure these are all things you alreaady know . You have a great attitude & it sounds like you are doing great things to get a handle on the emotional eating/grazing . I'm not going to be able to attend the bash , but it sounds wonderful . The people from the Washington board are fun & supportive . I've attended several different events & they've always made me feel comfortable . Welcome to the Wa. board & to OH . Kathy