Appt with Dr. Martin @ Madigan tomorrow!!

on 11/15/09 11:56 am
I *finally* have my appt with the surgeon tomorrow at 11! I am so excited! I'm meeting with Dr. Martin (@ Madigan) - I'm hoping to have the DS.

So... for those of you that have been there, done that...

Anything I should know or be prepared for tomorrow?
Any specific questions I should be asking?

Thanks so much! I'll pop back on tomorrow when I have my surgery date! YAY!

on 11/16/09 8:48 am
My date is set!! I'm having surgery on Dec. 29th!! WOOHOO! And THANK YOU everyone for the recommendations for Dr. Martin - I loved him!! He is so awesome. Even my parents liked him (they're my support, since my hubby is deployed-- is he in for a surprise!) Also - I get to have the DS!! I am SO stoked about that. I was worried that they wouldn't let me have it.

Anyway, done blabbing, I'm just sooo excited


on 11/17/09 4:12 am
Dr. Martin is an awesome doctor. I just have my RNY done with him on the 5th of Nov. He is very skilled. He let me choose the surgery I wanted and even didn't make me choose on my visit. He said I could wait up until surgery to decide. So far I am happy with my choise. I am already losing weight and on my journey to a new healthy life. Good luck.
on 11/17/09 11:20 am - WA
Congratulations!! Dr. Martin is great, you will be in good hands! I had the DS with him on 09-09-09. I am truly loving my DS too!!! SO good choice!

I have (hernia repair) surgery scheduled for Dec. 29th as well, so I will see ya in recovery!!!



229 / 148/ 135
Open DS Surgery with Dr. Martin @ Madigan 
Revision from 2006 - VBG
Hernia repair and tummy tuck - 05/12/2010

on 11/17/09 1:44 pm
Sweet - not about the hernia repair surgery, but that I have a recovery buddy! lol We'll have to look out for each other.  How long did your surgery take? I know yours was a revision, but I'm just trying to get a ball park estimate. My kids are going to be in daycare (since my parents will be at the hospital with me) - just wondering how long I should book them for that day.  
on 11/17/09 1:47 pm - WA
I am PRETTY sure, but can't totally remember, but I think 3.5 hours. Which is amazing, considering mine was a complicated revision! I was impressed.

I would think if you get the day care for 5 hours you should be fine. (if there is not much driving to and from involved).

I am so excited for you!!!!! Time is going to fly by from this point on for you!


229 / 148/ 135
Open DS Surgery with Dr. Martin @ Madigan 
Revision from 2006 - VBG
Hernia repair and tummy tuck - 05/12/2010

on 11/17/09 2:03 pm
Thank you Lisa! I am so excited too! I can't wait. I have to try to control myself so that it's not all I talk about!! Haha. My poor husband, I know he's ready for me to have the surgery so I'll calm down a little. 3.5 hours is less than I thought - not bad at all. I told my mom I was excited about this surgery since I don't have to be awake for it (I had 2 c-sections) and I won't have a newborn to take care of during recovery!
on 11/23/09 4:10 pm
Hi Megan!  I had my DS with Dr Martin on 8-28-09 almost 3 months ago and have lost almost 100 lbs already.  I wish you the best of luck!  I am just warning you about the surgery time it very's alot patient to patient, mine was almost 5 hours and there were a few other's that had their's right around the same time as I and their's were in the upwards of 6 hours.  Just a little FYI.  Dr Martin is a really great doc though!  Hang in there it will be here sooner than you know it.  My hubby is deployed as well and he has no idea how much I have lost or what I look like. Its awesome!  Take care talk with you sometime soon!
on 11/24/09 12:35 pm - Puyallup, WA
how long did it take you to go through the process at madigan I hav eheard months.... from referal from pcm to the date set?
on 11/24/09 2:09 pm
I met with my PCP on Feb. 23, 2009 to get my referral. I went in for the orientation on March 5th, was told that it would be up to a 1 year wait for surgery due to deployments. I started the pathway on July 13th, finished in October, met with Dr. Martin on Nov. 16th, and my surgery was originally scheduled for Dec. 29th, but was changed to January 26, 2010 because there is only 1 OR room being used through the rest of the  year instead of 3. So, altogether about 10-11 months. BUT some people can go through the pathway classes faster than I did. A lot of people that I went through the pathway have already had their surgery, starting in Sept. And, if you're a revision it usually goes quicker (from what I've heard).
~ Megan

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