protein protein protein


on 10/5/09 9:12 am
How long does the large container of protein last you? I see at GNC there its a whey protein that cost about $54. How much is the one at walmart? I am going to shop after my consult with the surgeron for my protein and vitamins. I feel confused about what to get, but I know that it will all work out. Do you put protein in all  your meals or you just use them for shakes?

on 10/5/09 10:10 am - Bremerton, WA

A note of caution for Protein powders.... GET SAMPLES!!!  or make sure you can return the un-used container if you hate it.

We are lucky in this area... you can get samples from Vitalady ( in pullalup) or (auburn)... if you go to either one of these businesses... and do a "taste testing" to see which protein powders you like.

I started with samples... then went  to Vitalady and tasted a bunch of protein powders..and now have a few that use on a daily basis.

At first... I would have 3 protein shakes a day (1/2 cup) and 3 - 1/2 cup meals. ****il  about 3 months out ).. now I have a protein drink in the morning... and sometimes in the afternoon as a snack.. 


Consult W/Surgery W/Revision W/Goal W

on 10/6/09 5:39 am
I've had a lot of luck with various flavors of the Syntrax Protein powders. You can buy these at Super Supplements- the large jug for $35, which lasts me 2 months or longer. Super Supplements will let you return open products if you don't like the taste so that's a bonus, too. They also sell the smaller containers, so you can go that route if you like.

I've definitely noticed that my taste buds are very different. I heard so many people rave about Click Protein, but once I got some I wasn't very impressed. Just keep trying.... good luck!
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  Hit goal 10/31/09!  RNY!!!

on 10/6/09 12:34 pm - Tacoma, WA

I would agree get samples.... what you like today is not what you will like post op. Your Doctor will give you strict instructions on how much protein and what (and how often) kind of vitamins you will need to take; this will based on the type of surgery. My advice is to follow your surgeons directions... I have and so far I havent had a weight stall, had hair loss or any other complication.
I drink 3 shakes a day so one jug of protein lasts about 8 days. Most of your nutrition will come from the protein you drink and your vitamins; the food you eat is for pleasure post surgery not nutritional value. I eat 1 or 2 small meals (4 to 5 ounces total per meal) a day and that is "bonus" for me. I only eat with my kiddies so they can see that I make healthly food choices and have portion control. I want to be a good role model to them so they too can learn the value of good eating habits.

Best Wishes!!!



You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
~~Eleanor Roosevelt

on 10/7/09 12:18 am
Are protein shakes for the rest of our lives? Or are we just drinking them until we can eat reg. food again.
on 10/8/09 3:19 pm - Honolulu, HI
I'm on the same type of plan...2 or 3 protein shakes a day + 2 very small meals.  I can't get enough food in to even come close to enough protein.  Nor do I really have the time.  Proetin shakes are just so convenient.  I never get hungry but I get very run down if I don't have my shakes and moody, too...just ask my co-workers! 

I'm 6 mo. out from my revision surgery and I love my protein.  Hard to predict the future, but I'm sure I'll need at least 1 or 2 shakes a day for quite a long while.

3/23/2003 Open VBG
4/6/2009 Open RNY Revision
6/08/2011  - I've lost 155 lbs! size 8-10

on 10/8/09 3:22 pm - Honolulu, HI
I buy pre-mixed shakes or drinks.  I'm too lazy / busy to really take the time to make a good shake except before bed time or on the weekends.  Most of my shakes come from or
3/23/2003 Open VBG
4/6/2009 Open RNY Revision
6/08/2011  - I've lost 155 lbs! size 8-10


on 10/9/09 1:15 am
I love the sites. The protein shakes look like they taste pretty good. thank you so very much for the information. I am going to do my best to invest in healthy protein shakes with tolerable taste so that I can be successful. Best of luck on you continued success and journey.
on 10/11/09 4:31 am
for years i got my whey protein from and now after 5 plastic surgerys and alot of weightlifting I am a beautiful piece of work and I love it. Protein is really the key
on 10/12/09 3:44 am - Kirkland, WA
Yea, I agree with most on here (GET SAMPLES) I find a my favorite brand is Spiru-tein ( egg nog is the best ) It lasts about a week. They taste really yummy.

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