I can't believe it (well, hell, yes I can; I've worked my butt of!!) but I've met my first goal!! Dr. Shrikanth initially told me he thought I'd lose between 80 and 90 pounds so I had set my first goal at 85. I did it!!! I credit you, my OH friends, for your personal support, your collective wisdom, and constant availability for helping me achieve this goal. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Ya know, what’s even more exciting to me than reaching this first goal is the difference in my mindset that I’ve realized—I now eat to live, rather than live to eat. Wow, who would have thought it!
on 9/3/09 3:49 pm
My name is Redd,there is a weight loss support group at Ft lewis,so if you are military or know someone who is,if they can get you on base, please come, we meet every thursday,5-7 pm,at the ACS building,its the welfare/WIC center down the street from the bowling alley,it is a self run group from people like me who have had or thinking about weight loss surery,you get support,questions answered and understanding from real people who have been in your shoes,
So please come,we have all been thru the pathway which is done at Madigan,as is where our doctors and surgery(ies) are done