When is Enough, enough?!?!!

Billie Jo C.
on 8/27/09 10:54 am, edited 8/27/09 12:08 pm - Spokane, WA

Hi everyone, I'm just a lurker here on the boards. I don't post much but, I do read lots. This site has been a big help to me. I'm really not the type of person who likes to burden others with my problems but, I think I will let my guard down for a quick rant.....

When is Enough, Enough? I have been suffering for many years with a failed back surgery. I've been told that I have degenerative disc/joint Disease in my back and my knee. With all the troubles I'm having with my chronic back pain, now I'm having troubles with my knee/s. I have seen numerous physical therapists, only to find that its just a temporary fix for the real under-laying problem/s.

I seen an orthopedic Doctor today and he wants me to go for psychical therapy. I told him I just ended therapy for my knee and back, a month ago. So now he wants me to return to therapy to treat my knee problem again. (Patella-Femoral was his diagnoses)


Was I wrong to tell the Doctor that physical therapy was not helpful? and, it was just a quick fix? (It truly hasn't helped me in the past.... Every time I was referred to physical therapy....I went, only to walk out in more pain.)

Was I wrong to refuse any more medication? It seems like medication is the only answer to most problems. Or is it? (you take medication for one problem and, it leads to more medication. It seems like they have medication for the "side effects" of another medication....kind of puzzling. Not to mention I'm tired of taking so much medication. I read up on some of the "side effect" my medication causes.... wow, I think I should be on more medication)

I'm so very frustrated and confused  
I refused medication. (NSAID's-Already taking some-about a handful) And I refused therapy. (I told him I will think about it) I'm not sure if that was the right course of action or not.

So when is Enough, Enough?

Sorry for the long winded rant....

-Billie Jo

on 8/27/09 12:56 pm - Vancouver, WA
I sooo hear you, it ends up being a revolving door that solves nothing. I've had pysical therapy till it runs out my ears but like you say it rarely does any good. The only thing that MAY help is weight loss so I got a lap band and well if you can't move in the first place it isn't going to help because you have to be able to exercise along with food control. So here I sit in just as bad a shape as before. I think you are right to tell the doc that PT does no good long term and that the meds aren't helping either. They have to be able to find something that will help you. Have you seen a rheumatologist or even a pain clinic?sometimes they offer more help because they use more than just the  PT. In my case I have to take narcotic meds plus stay as active as I can (even if it hurts). I broke my leg last week so I'm sure I'm looking at lots of PT in the future but usually it takes a combination of treatments. Keep pushing or seek another doc that will actually work with you to make life bearable. I wish you the best and don't give up, keep pushing for some comfort!
Rebecca J.
on 8/28/09 2:27 pm - Kent, WA
Hi Billie Jo,

I don't have a lot of advice to offer, but I definitely do NOT think you are in the wrong! When dealing with the medical community, you HAVE to think of yourself first. You know what your needs are, what works and what doesn't. It doesn't sound like you're thinking with a closed-mind because you've given therapy and medication several tries before.

When you've got a chronic condition, sometimes you gotta fight tooth and nail to get the correct care and support you need.

I wish you the best of luck and I hope you have a doctor that works with you rather than telling you what to do.


Met him 12/2001 in NJ;  He moved from NJ to WA 05/2002;  Married 06/2006;  Attempt #1 2008 with Clomid and metformin, no luck.  Decided to go back on BCP;  LapBand 09/2009 at 371.1 lbs.  Got down to 268 by 2012;  Went off BCP 08/2010.  Started Metformin;  BFP 05/01/2011 followed by MC 05/13/2011 (Friday the 13th of all days!). Upped Metformin 09/2011;  Continued on Metformin.  On 10/28/2012 (3 days before semen analysis), had BFP :)  Due date 07/07/13 by size of baby but 6/30/13 by LMP.  Taken off Metformin at 8 weeks due to elevated liver levels.



Billie Jo C.
on 8/29/09 2:10 pm - Spokane, WA
Thanks Lady and Becky....

Any advice is good advice.... And I do feel better hearing someone say its ok to say no. I think its time for me to brake out of my shell "so to speak" and, start thinking about whats best for me.....

Thanks again for the time you spent responding to my post.....every little bit counts. I need to start reaching out to others when I need the help. After all I'm going to need all the support I can get if I get approved for WLS

Again, thank you both... I'm very grateful....

-Billie Jo
on 9/4/09 2:04 pm
I too have sever back and hip problems,,physical therapy or as I call it,physical torture only works for muscles, try water therapy, it will get the pressure of your joints better and limber you up faster,also if you have had any bariatric surgery you shouldnt  be taking in nsaids,,ever.
they are anti inflamatories or time released and do not work fore us any more,just be careful what you put in your system,

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