I finally did it..130.5 as of 3 days ago

on 8/13/09 7:36 am - Tacoma, WA
  I finally hit my goal..ok well a bit past my goal..which was 135, I am at 130.5..
  What Now?..I guess I have to start learning to maintain, as I don't think I want to lose much more...any ideas?...also is anyone in this forum a member of any of the Groups?...I am looking for a group to help me thru the maintaining etc...there seem to be so many groups I don't know which to choose from...Its like being in a candy store and can't make up my mind...LOL..
  For those who don't know me as I don't post often..
  My name is Gaydria, aka Gabby aka totalyclipse...I started my weight loss in 2007 with a non-invasive proximal bypass...my stomach is the size of 1 Cup..
  Lots of trial and error... and yes the (dumping) which I learned fairly fast what not to put in my mouth...LOL...
    So any Ideas, direction, groups?...Hugs to all of you who are going for it, thinking about it, doing it, and already done it....
   thankyou Gabby
on 8/13/09 9:11 am - Bremerton, WA
Hi Gabby...

Congrats for Getting to goal!!!

You may want to go to the Graduates Forum...  and ask some questions there... but from what I have read so far about maintaining is swich to full fat dressing , cheese...etc... and add nuts to your diet.  If you do milk... go for full fat... if you have a NUT you may want to see them and see what they say. 


Consult W/Surgery W/Revision W/Goal W

on 8/13/09 9:37 am - Tacoma, WA
  could you tell me how to go about finding the Graduates Forum? I don't think I can handle Full fat anything my stomach absolutely rebels, I do eat a lot of string cheese, but other cheeses make me ill, and I was told never ever drink milk again or sugar..it makes me sick anyway...lol...Thank you for the fast reply..hugs Gabby
on 8/13/09 11:25 am - WA
Congratulatoins Gabby! What a major accomplishment you have made!!

As far as maintaining, I would sugges****ching your weight and if you continue to lose, add a protein shake in and see how that week goes.

To get to the grads board, go to the top of this page where it says forums, then select weight loss related, then select weight loss graduates.

Good luck to you!


229 / 148/ 135
Open DS Surgery with Dr. Martin @ Madigan 
Revision from 2006 - VBG
Hernia repair and tummy tuck - 05/12/2010

on 8/13/09 11:41 am - Tacoma, WA
  Well thank you..found the grads board, I already drink 3-4 protein shakes a day, and still hate them..lol...and I am making another appt with my doc as its been awhile, I haven't been able to talk to anyone who has reached my point and beyond, I been taking this as it comes then searching lol...
  I guess I was just going thru life and no****ching again, and hubby said here step on the scales, was kind of a shock, oh wow, I passed my goal maybe its time to pay attention...
  been enjoying myself too much...
  Thankyou everyone for your answers and its nice to meet you..Hugs Gabby
Merrilou Gronholdt
on 8/15/09 5:08 am - WA
Gabby, I am hosting a Support Group/ Back yard BBQ on Sept. 12th. from noon till 4pm in . It will be at my home in Auburn. The Auburn Group meets at the Auburn Eagles the 2nd Wednasday of each month, except for Sept. Give me a call and  I will give you all the details. We would like to meet you.

Merrilou  (253) 939-8865
on 8/16/09 3:19 pm - WA
Oh, I didn't see this until now.. would you want to repost this as a new topic so we don't overlook it? Thanks, Merrilou.

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