Vomiting, Gagging, Minor Discomfort

Donna Childress
on 7/16/09 3:25 am - Maple Valley, WA
Does anyone else have this type of problem?  Had my Proximal RNY on May 21st, 2009, along with a hiatal hernia repair.  I've been doing better for the past few weeks, but it seems every week now I have around 5 fairly good days - no problems swallowing or food sticking when I eat properly (chew and chew and chew, etc.).  But around the six day food starts sticking and has difficulty passing into my stomach even with just a tiny bite and after being chewed and chewed and chewed.  I start gagging and then vomit, and vomit and vomi****er and foam comes up (gross!).  I will feel pressure in my midsection between and just a tad below the breastline and will also ache all the way through to my back.  If press that midsection area it doesn't hurt, but it makes me want to vomit again.  After the approximate two days it pretty much goes away and I feel "relatively ok" again.

Do you know if this could just be "gas?"  Or is this something I should be worried about and consult my surgeon?  I keep thinking if it was something bad it would get worse each week - but so far it hasn't and my burps - few that I have are not acidy.

Thank you,


Merrilou Gronholdt
on 7/16/09 5:27 am - WA

Donna, Call you surgeon, it might be nothing but better safe than sorry! Hope to see you at dance lessons in August. 


Donna Childress
on 7/16/09 10:37 am - Maple Valley, WA
Hi Merrilou,

I called Dr. Oh's office and was able to get an appointment for tomorrow at 1:30.  Haven't vomited today, but sure have been releasing the gas today.  Thank God for Devrom!  And my appetite has returned with a vengence.  Hopefully Dr. Oh's office will be able to solve my problem and will have a solution.  I've been really good and sticking to my proteins and vitamins like glue!

Hopefully I can get Brad to come dance with me again in August!


debbie O.
on 7/16/09 6:29 am - snohomish, WA
Donna, It sounds like you are having what we call "the foamies" and it seems for no particular reason your pouch decides that it really doesn't like something, even something that it liked yesterday. Then it just proceeds to produce huge quanities of mucus. I've never had anyone give a very good explaination of why just it does.  This too gets better the further you are out from surgery, but I had a bit of an episode last night after eatting out at an restaurant and I had my surgery a year and 1/2 ago.

It does get better, just stick with the plan and watch the weight disappear.

Donna Childress
on 7/16/09 10:42 am - Maple Valley, WA
Hi Debbie,

Foamies - sounds interesting and like that could be it.  I was able to get an appointment with my surgeon's office tomorrow and will definitely ask him about this.  Hopefully he will have an answer and solution to my problem.  If so, I will post it on the site for sure.  It's awful never knowing when it will "hit."

Thank you for your info.


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