I have volunteered to facilitate the July meeting and the topic will be...drum roll please...
This will be an interactive discussion where participants will have the opportunity interact to discuss self image, how to accept compliments graciously, how to dissuade comments or inquiries that are too personal, etc.
As many of you know, the monthly Auburn Support Group, hosted by Merrilou (http://www.obesityhelp.com/member/merrilou/) recently changed both date and location. Monthly meetings are now held the second Wednesday of every month at the Auburn Eagles from 6:30 - 8:00 PM.
Mark your calendars now for Wednesday July 15, 2009 at 6:30 PM!
The Auburn/Eagles/ Merrilou's Support meeting is on July 8th at 6:30pm. It is NOT on the 15th of July. The Auburn Eagles address is: 702 M St. S.E., Auburn, WA 98002.
Amy will not be able to conduct the meeting afterall. The meeting will now be open discussion about anything and everything YOU want to discuss. Meeting is open to everyone regardless of type of surgery you have had or are seeking to have. We love newcomers!
Please call Merrilou (Group Leader) for further questions at (253)939-8865
Hi Amy,
I'm confused! I thought these meetings were now on the 2nd Wednesday of the month - July 15th is the third Wednesday of July.
So is this meeting on the 8th of July (the 2nd Wednesday) or on the 15th of July (the 3rd Wednesday).
Please let me and everyone else know. I don't want to miss it.