gag me with a shake

on 5/22/09 12:30 pm - Tacoma, WA
The nausea has backed off a lot. I have been able to get my 3 liters of water past 2 days. On wednesday i went in for my iron infusion but they couldnt find a single vein that they could use, it was a combination of having a lot of blown vessels and beind dehydrated. I will go back on next wednesday for the infusion.
I restarted my vitamins including multivit, iron and calcium and prevacid. The calcium is hard because i have a capsule with dry poweder. vitalady told me to split it and put in my protein shake, i tried that tonight, no good, gross. Now that said it could be the protien shakes themselves. thursday i had a very hard time choking donw my protein and only got about 1/4 way through i serving. i tried a second and didnt even get that far. they made me feel nauseated, and have a very uncomfortable feeling in my gut, it hurt, i had to walk, then finally go lay down and try to sleep it off. then last nigth i made 1 shake and got it all down but felit like i was going to die, that one actually HURT i considered barfing but again decided to try and sleep it off. i mixed these shakes with 4oz or less fluid. so today, i took 2 oz water and just 1scoop protein powder, i got it all down and again, hurt, nauseated, gaggy and felt just awful. again nap.
So the good news, my tummy feels better, i am getting in my vitamins, bad news the shakes arent happening right now.
not sure what to do, but just still sip sip sipping away. i do have to admit, in order to get that last calcium donw, i took a tiny potatoe (size of my pinky finger nail) and mushed it with it and some salt, and got it down. i know, bad girl not supposed to have mushy yet, but honestly i was out of ideas to get in my calcum without food, it just floated in any liquid i put it in. The thing that i also know, other people start mushy's around day 10 so i honestly dont feel too bad, i know i didnt put myself at risk for injury, just less sucess...i am just sort of outta ideas, i didnt expect to have this level of nausea and gag and pain to protein and suppliments, i also didnt expect to hate water, i used to love water and now, it must have something in it or i cannot get it down.  just more strange things going on in this new body...
much love,

6/25/09: 232.2
on 5/22/09 1:41 pm - Bremerton, WA
Have you tried Lifetime Calcuim... you can get it at Super Supplements...  it is a liquid and it a little chocky... but there are several flavors... I did not like the blueberry ... but I guess this is the most popular flavor.... I like the strawberry the best... and the grape was good...  1 tablespoon twice a day.

The first few weeks ARE THE WORST!!!   But things do get better!!!


Consult W/Surgery W/Revision W/Goal W

on 5/23/09 12:50 am - Tacoma, WA
thanks, maybe i will have hubby drive me over there today and buy one,,,
I am begining to see that these first weeks are not the cake walk i had invisioned. I just know several people who just flew threw this all but i should know better then to compare myself like this, working in health care i know every BODY is different...

6/25/09: 232.2
on 5/23/09 4:28 am - Tacoma, WA
JP ~ I had a hard time getting protein and vitamins at first too... just take it one serving at a time and keep trying. Honestly there are days that my protein still make me gag after the first sip... but I push thru it. I just got my 3 month labs back and everything was lower than before surgery. I am working on making every effort to get everything in during the day... I will drink water but it has to be room temp... cold hurts in ways I can't explain. I love peppermint and chamomile teas I drink it all day at work and it helps get the fluids in... for me warm is better. I tried taking my calcium capsules this week and I was shocked they went down... with no problems. So, hopefully that means I am finally healed inside.

Hope to see you at the next support meeting!!!!


You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
~~Eleanor Roosevelt
on 5/23/09 6:56 am - Tacoma, WA
what do you mean everything was lower, all your levels were lower (as in bad news)? I am doing fine with the multivits, i got my iron (oral) in today but those shakes arent going down, my mouth gets super wet and i feel literally like i am about to vomit. i have decided to wait a few days on it and check again, heck it worked for the suppliments. Well, that Calcium capsule wont go down, no matter what. I am not sure what to do. i bought it from vitalady and they said to just break it open and sprinkle it in your shakes, and eventually in your food. i have tried but it doesnt mix with liquid, it stays separate and grainy and gross and it again triggers that wet mouth puke reflex.
I may try and get to super suppliments this weekend to try and get liquid but have to wait for hubby to stop working and if they are open when he is off...???
The iron capsules (prescription ferrogels) are really gross, but are going down and so is the prescription vitamin 5. I will admit i havent taken the capsule vitamin d that is OTC, it is just like that calcium...gag!
pray for me, i am just accpeting this, myself and what i do, i will do my best and have faith

6/25/09: 232.2
on 5/23/09 9:15 am - Tacoma, WA

Lower, as in Kelly called me and I too was in shock. They have changed my iron script, I may need to take the Vit. D every day instead of 3x a week,  and even increase the B12 shots. And if that doesnt suck enough...even my LDL was 10 points lower than my last levels. I was truely stunned I walk almost 6 miles a day and I have recently started taking a Ty Bow (god my spelling is horrible) Class.

I asked her if there was any way my labs got mixed up with someone else's... she said not likely.

As you heal things will go down better, it was hard for me to understand we heal from the outside ~ in. So... you might feel ok and your sites might look great but you could be still swollen in and around your new pouch. I will pray that things get better and that you will find comfort during this delicate time.



You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
~~Eleanor Roosevelt
on 5/24/09 2:02 pm - Tacoma, WA
i am so sorry. that sucks. you have been taking your suppliments like your supposed to? any trouble doing so? what did they change your iron to? what was it before?
Your LDL lower is good news, did you mean your HDL (the good cholestrol)?
thanks for your prayer, thought, words and friendship! everyday i am begining to feel a little better but the fatigue is increasing...this too shall pass =) i am at a point where i can see the light at the end, i remember why i did this and feel good about it!

6/25/09: 232.2
on 5/24/09 5:48 am - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
The capsule vit D is closer to the size of a bendaryl! Teensy. The 5,000 is, anyway. It would fit just inside the 50,000 IU (dry, OTC). Still, harder to twist the lil suckers open than to just melt in saliva (no****er) and swallow.

A, D, K are all very tiny. E is getting up toward Tylenol. The Calcium is the biggest cap, but again, gelatin melts in saliva. I've tinmed then at 6 seconds and 26 seconds, depends on what was just in my mouth.

Once warm and melted, you have............... JELLO. OK, consistency, not flavor. LOL

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

on 5/24/09 5:44 am - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
There's also the BA calcium crystals. you can take the caps calc, melt them in your mouth for 10 secs til they get squishy then swallow with water, too.

So, how does water taste exactly? Does it "hurt"? Like feel sorta sand papery? I'm asking because if you answer one way I'll say it's just anesthesia, but if you answer another, I'm sending you to Dr. S with your words in your hand so he can treat the issue if it IS an issue. Generic "nausea" isn't much to go on, but when you hit about 3 specifics, you've got something for him to work with.

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

on 5/24/09 1:55 pm - Tacoma, WA
thanks for the info. of course i have now lost the paper from my final consult that told me what to take. I believe my only vitamin d is the 50,000 capsule everyother day, which when popped isnt bad, i can get it down. I also have the prescription for ferrogel (an iron combo), it is gross to pop and take, but i can do it. The chewable multivit is fine but...that calcium, mag etc combo cap just wont go. it wont mix with anything that i can get down. it might be the shear volume, dunno. i ran to super suppliments (didnt think you would be open today with it being a holiday weekend) and got some liquid, we will see how that goes, havent been brave enough to do it yet.
Water is like bitter, sort of bile tasting. (oh yeah i do a prevacid solutab twice a day too). i absolutely have to add something to it, for me is strange because i loved water before. i am now able to get that 3liters down without too much effort (just have to be paying attention). the water doesnt hurt, unless i take too big a drink and then i realize i did and after i sit for a second and then burp i am ok, not sand paper. it was more like trying to drink an ounce of stomach bile. I am worn out, tired and i think that is the lack of protein since try as i might, i still havent gotten much of it down. I am thinking of stopping by when you are next open (tuesday?) to try nectar since my water is flavored sort of like that i think that was. i am hoping its not too sweet because the crystal light packets are 1 pack per bottle but i use about1/4 to 1/2 packet per bottle otherwise its just too sweet. when i tried 1 part apple juice to 3 parts water as dr s said, i couldnt do that either, it gagged me.
any advice or words of wisdom from you are much appreciated. i live just down the road a way (midland) and love how close you are, i feel lucky.

6/25/09: 232.2
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