Donna Childress
on 5/15/09 4:23 am - Maple Valley, WA
  Help - Is this normal????

It's less than a week before my RNY surgery (this coming Thursday).  Yesterday I saw the Pulmonologist because I failed my pre-op breathing tests.  When I did the breathing tests yesterday the "Tech" ho'ed and hum'ed through the whole thing - he had the big screen right in front of me so I could see my breathing patterns and percentages.  I had to repeat many of them numerous times.  Many were in the very low/zone.  When he finished with me all he could tell me is yes my testing showed some abnormalities and I would have to get the results from the doctor.  CAT Scan people told me the same thing. 

I was told I would have the results yesterday afternaoon since this was a "rush" test due to upcoming surgery.

They didn't call me and they didn't yet send results to Dr. Oh.  I just called the pulmonologist back and was told the Dr. would call me sometime today - gee I thought I was supposed to hear from him yesterday afternoon........

Now I'm freaking out!  I woke up this morning and my lungs hurt!!!!  Their office just told me thats because my lungs got so much exercise yesterday - well I guess that maybe makes sense.  But I'm still freaking out - when I could see my lung patterns on the screen yesterday it looked like half of my right lung lobe was not receiving oxygen - it didn't inflate all the way and the left one inflated at about 3/4's  - I could see it on the screen.  So now I'm scared ****LESS - literally.  Consequently I'm still doing this liquid diet, stressing out and all I want to do is eat!  I'm drowning myself in liquids! 

Is this level of anxiety normal before surgery?  I don't usually feel this "nutty."  I've been sitting here doing yoga calming breathing and it isn't helping.  Any further suggestions?????

Thanks everyone!


on 5/15/09 6:51 am - Lacey , WA
Donna Hon---
   I am so sorry you are going  through this but----- yes anxiety is normal---I don't even have a date and I have anxiety---the techs can not tell you anything---ever---they are just techs---My best advise is be persistent with getting the results---and try to stay calm until you talk to the doc---

Keep us posted---
Donna Childress
on 5/15/09 12:56 pm - Maple Valley, WA

Hi Maureen,
Thank you for posting me.  It's nice to know my anxiety is normal.  I will be so glad when my surgery is over.  I'm almost looking forward to the pain of it - because then I will know that I had it, survived it, and am on my road to better health.  Saying I'm looking forward to the pain - is that crazy or what!!!  Really don't want PAIN, I just want my new life started and all this insurance, pre-op, and problems with all that behind me.  I hope you get your date soon!



on 5/15/09 9:54 am - Bothell, WA
I dealt with that recently with my heart and gall bladder testing. Different reasons but no one could tell me anything. I can understand how it would be very very frustrating...You are so close...

Keep your eye on the goal...take one thing on at a time...I know I sound like some calm person...but I am anxious for you as well, haven't you been through enough?  It's your time!

I am an optimist and will keep thinking positive for you!

Let us know what the results are!

In my thoughts!

Miss Kasey
Day of surgery 292/Current 279/ Goal 180

Donna Childress
on 5/15/09 12:50 pm - Maple Valley, WA
Thank you for your positive thoughts and words of wisdom Kristine.  I'm hanging in there.  Dr. Chen finally got most of my results to Dr. Oh.  Still waiting on results of CAT Scan.  Dr. Chen feels I should be fine for surgery and feels my problem is due to obesity.  Dr. Oh wants to know I'm 100% cleared for surgery - Dr. Oh is thorough that's for sure - and it does make me feel like I'm in good hands.....My breathing tests did show my lungs working around 67% - when St. Francis took them I was around 40-50% - so at least that was an improvement.  Also got put on an inhaler to help improve my breathing when sort of breath.  Hopefully I will know more by Monday or Tuesday next week and will get my GOOD TO GO for Thursday.

Thank you,

on 5/18/09 5:54 am - Bothell, WA
Any update?  How are you doing?

I am on pins and needles on my end for you and me! If all works out well you will be in on the 21st and I will be in on the 28th!

I am keeping fingers, toes, legs and eyes crossed! I suppose it couldnt hurt (except while driving :) )

All my best to you!

Miss Kasey
Day of surgery 292/Current 279/ Goal 180

Sheryl R.
on 5/15/09 10:44 am - Buckley, WA
Hi Donna,
I hope you've heard something by now.  I'm praying that this will not interfere with your surgery.  Hang in there and keep us posted.

                                                 Only "obese" now!

Donna Childress
on 5/15/09 12:44 pm - Maple Valley, WA

Hi Sheryl,

I'm doing my best to hang in there!  Dr. Chen himself finally called me as said he was faxing my test results - minus my CAT scan (results hadn't come to him yet).  He said he was sure my problem is just being short of breath due to being overweight and that I shouldn't have any problem with surgery.  Hurray!  But then Dr. Oh's office called me and said that they did receive the fax with a note from Dr. Chen stating I should be fine for surgery.  Dr. Oh's office says that they need a note signed by Dr. Chen that states clearly that I am "Cleared" for surgery.  Gads  how a simple "should" word can screw things up!  Hopefully I can get the should be fine for surgery to IS Fine, or IS CLEARED by Monday.  What a game we play.........but at least Dr. Oh's office told me to up my protein a bit since I'm having anxiety and am starving on this liquid diet - so that's good.  Also I can't blame them for wanting to be 100% sure my lungs are fine for surgery - afterall I don't want to croak on the operating table - I'm trying to keep a sense of humor.

Thanks for all your prayers,


on 5/15/09 3:03 pm - Tacoma, WA
Hey, Donna - Hang in there!!  You are so close and it sounds like things will fall into place for your surgery next week.  You will be in my thoughts and prayers.  I agree it seems silly that one little word could make the difference, but it is good that Dr. Oh wants to be sure you are good to go.  I'm glad that your lungs seemed to have improved capacity with the tests for the pulmonologist - that seems like a good sign!  Just keep your eyes on that goal of surgery!  Keep us posted...



Laurie Landy
on 5/16/09 6:32 pm, edited 5/16/09 6:33 pm - Puyallup, WA

I had surgery 4/23 with Doc Oh and yes he is very thourough.  I was getting very frustrated with all the tests I had to go through.  My chest xray showed an "enlarged heart"  so I had to go to the cardiologist only to be referred to Nuclear medicine place because the cardio doc didn't think they could do a normal stress test because of my size.  That nuclear test was horrible they put an iv in and then put this medicince that enlarges the arteries etc around your heart I thought I was dying the pain was so bad.  The good news was after several rigorous tests I was finally cleared for surgery and although I was frustrated in the end I was happy knowing that Dr Oh was that thourough and wanted to make sure I could withstand the surgery.  I lost 34 lbs before surgery mostly on that darn liq diet (it sucked lol) and 21 now since.  I have been on a stall for the last week but trying to stay positive.  Hang in there it will all be worth it in the end :-)

Take care and good luck Laurie
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