HELP! Sleeping after surgery
I need some help. I had my RNY on Monday April 20th. I came home on Wednesday afternoon. Both Wednesday and Thursday nights I didn't sleep all night and had some lower back pain and tried to roll over on my side but it was the worse pain I have ever had in my life. Each night the pain of sleeping on my back is getting worse. My dear sweet husband wakes up everytime I move my little toe. He was up most of the night last night trying to rub my back and help me get back to sleep. We even tried moving me out to my recliner chair in the living room but I think that made it worse. I really just want to sleep on my side. Does anyone have any ideas how I can do this or what I need to do? My doctor did tell me that when he was doing my RNY that he had to remove a lot of scar tissue which is what I think is causing me not to be able to sleep on my side. Any ideas? Suggestion? HELP!!!! My poor hubby has been so great and hasn't said complained or anything. But I know he needs his sleep. He goes back to work on Monday and won't be here for a week. I still have my teenagers that are more than willing to help rub my back or anything I need.
Cherryl / dewy3
Thanks for the help.
Cherryl / dewy3
Until last night, I had been using my Snoogle Pillow. It's a big C shaped pillow I bought to wrap around me while pregnant (I got it at babies R us). But you can also pretzel it up on itself so that it is sort of like an arm chair. Before I would go to sleep I'd make sure I was supported on both sides since I figured most of my back pain was slumping a little to the side while I slept.
The Snoogle was also invaluable last night resting my whole body on it while laying on my side.
I'm sorry my only answer to the back pain is sleep on your side >.<
453/380/160/165I'm pretty sure bacon tastes as good as thin feels!
*Feel free to call me "Pen" or "Nic" I'll even answer to "hey you" *