My Mom

on 4/12/09 6:39 am - Buckley, WA
Thanks Sheryl . You're right . My mom knew it was coming & tried to prepare us , but you can't . I made mental lists of things I was responsible for in the event of her death (basically everything) . I couldn't put on paper because that would make it too real . My mom fought for a lot of years & now she's breathing freely again . We're suffering , but I know it will get better . My kids said that I'm the Matriarch , now . I don't know if I ever wanted the title , but now they better get me a tiara . lol .


Donna Childress
on 4/12/09 7:22 am - Maple Valley, WA

I am so sorry for your loss.  May God watch over you and your family with your loving mother at his side.

God Bless,


on 4/13/09 4:57 pm - Buckley, WA
Thank you so much Ragadolly . I appreciate that .


FabBy50 .
on 4/13/09 2:38 am - Everett, WA

Im so sorry for your loss, many hugs to you! I lost my mom when I was only 28, my dad is still living and will celebrate his 91st in August.

I LOVE the picture of your parents what a treasure to be able to see their happiness.

Hugs, Bernadette
on 4/13/09 4:54 pm - Buckley, WA
Thank you Bernadette . They were a handsome couple . My dad adored my mom until the day he died (1998) @ 62 years old . He was a romantic . I'm sorry you lost your mom so young . I don't think you can ever be old enough to lose your parents .


on 4/15/09 2:55 pm - Tacoma, WA
Kathy - I'm so sorry to hear of your mom's passing...  I can only imagine how difficult this is for you.  It's wonderful that you were able to be with her and that the hospital and staff were so good during this very difficult time.  I know there are so many details to deal with - just take it one step, one day at a time.  Be sure to take care of you during this time as well and let yourself grieve.  You are in my thoughts and prayers.



on 4/15/09 4:06 pm - Buckley, WA
Thanks Nancy . I am glad we were with her the whole time . If I ever get cancer (God forbid) I wouldn't mind going to GS oncology ward . They were so kind . My moms Memorial service was yesterday . It was standing room only , as I expected . Our family is small , but she was admired & loved by many . My son made a beautiful DVD of just our little immediate family . It began with my parents wedding picture , but was otherwise not chronological . Very touching . It had music on it & played on two TV's continuously . 
 Besides grieving for my mom , who was my best friend , I am the one who is taking care of EVERYTHING . My sister has been no help at all . She even showed up an hour late for the memorial , and she was the one who was supposed to bring the signing book . It's tough to remain sypathetic when i'm exhausted & overwhelmed , & my sister sits back & uses her many diagnosis' as an excuse to zone out on drugs & do nothing . I'm sorry . I should be more sympathetic & gracious . Right now i'm raw , drained .& feeling somewhat resentful . I have to go back to work monday . Is the next support meeting monday ? I have size 14 jeans , a shirt , vitamins & the new calcium chews to share . Sorry for being such a big whiner . I'll get through it .  


on 4/21/09 7:27 am - Tacoma, WA

oh honey. i am so sorry. I cannot imagine your pain but i hope you find comfort in knowing she is with your dad. And with diseases, sometimes death is a blessing becuase it can end the pain and nausea etc.

Hug those babies and smile as you watch life continue. know you now have 1 more angel looking out for you all and that she will always be with you!
I love you and you are in my heart and prayers! God will carry you through this!

on 4/21/09 1:59 pm - Buckley, WA
Thank you . It is a deep loss for me , but she did suffer for many years . Her suffering is over & she is whole again .
I planted a cherry tree , today , for her . Whenever I lose someone close to me , I pick a plant , shrub , or tree that they favored & plant it at my house . My dad loved lilacs , so that is what I planted for him , 11 years ago . My mom loved cherry anything . So , the kids & I planted a cherry tree for Grandma , today . People gave us flowers like tulips , hyacinth & a lily at the memorial  . I planted those around the tree with some flowers I always used to put in baskets for her . It was kind of bittersweet . But , it's my tradition & the kids really liked helping .
What is really getting me through this , is that I know where she went & she did , too . I know i'll be with her again one day . I picture her young & happy . Not tethered to an oxygen hose .
Thank you again for your kindness . xoxox Kathy


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