I'm at 150?!
Omg I'm at 150
I'm only 8 and a half months out ... I look totally different and my hubby has never seen me lower than 165 15 years ago... I've not been at that weight for about 18 years... I hope I'm not going too fast?! I've been biking like crazy and walking everywhere. To think of biking more than 3 blocks was a year ago was so impossible, but now I'm biking 30 blocks twice a day twice a week. Been riding Metro buses and using the bike rack to go everywhere... it's such a thrill to be free at last!
I'm only 8 and a half months out ... I look totally different and my hubby has never seen me lower than 165 15 years ago... I've not been at that weight for about 18 years... I hope I'm not going too fast?! I've been biking like crazy and walking everywhere. To think of biking more than 3 blocks was a year ago was so impossible, but now I'm biking 30 blocks twice a day twice a week. Been riding Metro buses and using the bike rack to go everywhere... it's such a thrill to be free at last!
Congratulations an your success and kudos to you for the hard work I know ittook to achieve it!
"Free at last" - I'd never thought about it in those terms before, but it captures perfectly the feelings, both physical and mental, how and improvement in simple mobility (in any form; I'll never be a cyclist or marathon runner (unless I get bilat knee replacement, but I betcha I could evetually learn to do a real Michael Phelps turn around in the pool) is physically and psychologically liberating.
"Free at last" - I'd never thought about it in those terms before, but it captures perfectly the feelings, both physical and mental, how and improvement in simple mobility (in any form; I'll never be a cyclist or marathon runner (unless I get bilat knee replacement, but I betcha I could evetually learn to do a real Michael Phelps turn around in the pool) is physically and psychologically liberating.