on 1/11/09 3:56 am, edited 1/11/09 4:01 am - Auburn, WA

It's getting close; in just two weeks, the get together for members of this forum (and any other WLS patient, their family, friends, etc) will take place at the Meeting Room in the Issaquah Library from 2:00 - 4:00 PM.

This is going to be an informal, conversational type support group meeting.  The following will take place at the meeting and individuals are welcome to join or decline participation in any of them:

1) Healthy Snack Potluck:  Please bring a snack that can be shared by the group.  The only requirement is that each "dish" be accompanied by nutritional information that lists protein/fat/sugar/calorie content so that every person, regardless of WLS procedure, can make an informed decision as to whether or not to eat the snack.  I will provide beverages, plates, etc. 

2) Protein Shake Swap:  Got a great tasting shake that you think others should try?  Bring 10 servings, each in an individual baggie with nutritional information, to swap with others.  I will also provide a blender and cups so that we can sample shakes at the meeting.

3) Clothing Swap:  Is your closet too full of clothes that you can no longer wear because you've lost weight?  Are you near the end of your ability to "shop in your own closet" for smaller sizes?  Does the idea of spending money on clothes that you'll only be able to wear for a few weeks or months just turn your stomach?  Bring your now too big clothes (please make sure they are clean and in good shape) to the swap (no underwear, please - but bras and swimwear welcome).  You'll be helping someone else and in all likelihood find a few "new" outfits for yourself.

4) Product Giveaway: Did you buy a canister of that new protein shake that everyone raved was soooo delicious and discover it made you gag?  How about chewable vitamins that you found unpalatable?  Are you stuck with a whole lot of baby spoons, sippee cups, etc. that you want to give away?  Bring them to the meeting!  One person's junk is another person's treasure!

5) Door Prizes.   Like they say, you have to be present to win!

6) Childcare - I will arrange for a person to watch your children (aged 4+) for the duration of the two hour meeting (younger children or those who are shy are welcome to stay with their parent; the babysitter is being provided as a convenience, not a requirement).  The babysitter will take the kids to the children's area of the library to read books and do other quiet activities. 

I hope everyone uses this forum to discuss other ideas for things to do, arrange carpools, etc.    Please send me a PM or email me at [email protected] if you need more information or have questions. 

This event is also listed in the Main, VSG, and BMI over 50 OH Forums.  It's also listed in facebook under my account (account under the name Amy Maurer).  Please feel free to post this announcement in any other OH forums, outside WLS support websites, etc.

I am really looking forward meeting many of you!


on 1/11/09 7:46 am - Bremerton, WA

I am planning on coming!!!  Thank you for organizing this!!!


Consult W/Surgery W/Revision W/Goal W

on 1/11/09 10:56 am

Yes, thanks Amy for coordinating this.

I have tons of size 22 and 24 clothes that are in great shape that I'd like to give away... a couple of garbage bags at least, but I don't want to haul everything out unless there is a guaranteed taker. Some Spring clothing and even some new with tags. If there are any takers, please reply or send me a message so I can bring them for you.

Make a pregnancy ticker  
  Hit goal 10/31/09!  RNY!!!

on 1/13/09 3:45 pm - Auburn, WA

Hey, Juanita! 

I'm not sure that I can fit a 22/24 yet (I'm living in the clothes that Kimber so generously gave to me a month ago) - it would depend alot on the brand, style, etc.  Would you consider just bringing one small bag (maybe 5 items of clothing) even if noone responds directly to your offer?  I'm the eternal optimist and hope that a lot of lurkers here, in other forums, on facebook, etc will come to the meeting. 

I can tell you that I had an hour to kill between physical therapy and yoga tonight and made a quick trip around Target and bought some of my door prize goodies! 


on 1/14/09 12:01 pm

I can do that Amy!

I potentially have 2 closets to eventually rid myself of. I'm starting to get a lot of compliments at work, and my business attire is getting to that sloppy/dumpy look- a look I've always sworn I'd never assume post-op. Time to transition the closet! I won't bring everything all at once, but slowly.

See you soon!

Make a pregnancy ticker  
  Hit goal 10/31/09!  RNY!!!

on 1/14/09 1:32 pm - Buckley, WA
I'm planning on attending & looking forward to it . Kathy


on 1/14/09 3:46 pm
I'll be there too :) woo hoo.
~ Terri ~
 Pre Op 293, Surgery 258, Current 163 Goal 150
on 1/14/09 3:48 pm - Auburn, WA
I'm so happy that people are coming - I'm having visions of my Mom and I sitting alone in the meeting room at the Issaquah Library for 2 hours on that Saturday afternoon.

And, Juanita - thanks for agreeing to bring a small number of your now too big clothes.  I've really noticed myself that I'm sporting that dumpy/sloppy look - I had some time to kill before Vitalady's support group tonight and went to the Office Max at South Hill Mall.  Before I left I used their restroom and noticed that the jeans I'd been so happy to get from Kimber in Dec are now very very baggy!  Just for ****s and giggles, I should go to Catherines, Lane Bryant, Avenue or some other store to try to find my correct size now that I'm down 80 pounds.  I got a box of very nice professional attire from a woman who posted in the BMI over 50 group and it has some smaller size (to me, that's 24) jackets that fit.  I have to refrain from buying almost anything!  At wal-Mart last week, they had obnoxious fleece polka dot pjs on sale and I bought a 3X (22-24) and the bottoms are already droopy!  As I am not currently employed, my dumpy/sloppy look works for my physical therapy, doctor appointments, etc.  Soon, though, I will be venturing out into the world of work and know that it's "swapped" clothes that will get me through interviews and the next year until I stabilize.  My PT on Friday is going to be in the pool and I have 3 bathing suits; one I think will be way too big now, one from about 10 years ago when I weighed about as much as I do now, and a suit that Kimber included in her donated clothes.  I have to try all of them on tomorrow and pray that at least one will work for the time being!

Also, I wanted to let y'all know that my Mom is coming to the event and while she's currently "overweight" she's been much heavier in the past and she's bringing some clothes to donate/swap  including scrubs (she's an x-ray tech) so if any of you are in the medical field and need scrubs, you might want to check out the meeting.

It's late.  The Vitalady support group was good but lasted longer than expected and I didn't get home until after 9:30 so it's been a long day!

I hope everyone is well and having a good night!

on 1/15/09 1:06 pm - Buckley, WA
My mom went to Dr. Oh's banquet with me last year . She is overweight . She told me that she was going to tell people she was pre-op .Which she isn't . lol .


on 1/17/09 6:06 am - Brisbane (Norman Park), Australia
It will be my birthday, but since we're not doing anything special, I'll be able to come to the GTG!! I'm actually rather happy about that idea  :-)

I'll be bringing along some clothes, including a couple of brand new swimsuits for you, Amy.

Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Hi, I'm Karin  Start 310 / Surgery 283 / Current 168 / Goal 150
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