Panni removal at Madigan
Hello, I just had my 6 month post op yesterday. Since Dr. Sebesta is currently gone, I saw a different Dr. He said my labs looked fantastic and my weight loss was right on track for VSG with only 15-20 to go to my goal weight. Yea me!! :-)
We talked about panni removal. I have a lot of skin there and it is starting to become an issue. Batwings and melting legs I can deal with (at for least for now) but this tummy skin is driving me crazy! Dr said they had been referring to Plastics but that they have a huge backlog now so General Surg is starting to pick them back up again. Dr agrees that panni removal is my next step and put my name on "his" list.
What happens from here? I was so excited that I didn't ask many questions! Will I just get a call when my name comes up? He warned me that they only do a couple a month and that there are about 10 in front of me, so I know I'm looking at about 6 months.
Anyone have advice on how the process works?