Now what?
I am not much help but I will share my story. My surgeon requires a list of things you have to get done before seeing him whi*****ludes a EKG, lung test, lungy x-ray, Dietician consult, psychiatric consult and blood-work done. I went to the seminar on September 3 and got all the requirements done within 3 weeks. I saw the surgeon on September 24, 2008. It too****il Oct 6 for my surgeon to receive all my faxed tests and paperwork. On October 7, my chart was submitted to my med insurance company. Now we wait and see. I don't have Tri-care. It could take anywhere from 3 days to 2 months to get approval from everything I have read. I can't wait to get approval and get a date! Also, some insurance companies require a 6 month weight loss program before approval.
Good luck, it takes some time to get everything done. If you got to the insurance help forum, you might be able to get more info on Tri-care. I would ask there.
Good luck, it takes some time to get everything done. If you got to the insurance help forum, you might be able to get more info on Tri-care. I would ask there.
Will you have your surgery at Madigan?
I started my pathway in April 2007. My surgery is scheduled for Nov. 19.
I started with nutrition classes, 3 or 4 nutritionist visits, seminar at Madigan, support group meetings, psych consult, and physical. After these are completed, then you get your surgeon consult, the date is set at that appt. and then follow the surgeon's directions.
Good Luck and Welcome to the Board!
I see that your husband is navy, are you see at the Navy Hospital? If you are then you will follow the pathway that is set up there. It consists of 5 or 6 classes, meeting with a nutritionist, a WLS seminar at Madigan, psych eval, physical and they you are sent down to madigan to meet with a surgeon. I started my pathway in January and had surgery on June 24th.
Where are you located? If around Bremerton or Madigan you will have surgery at Madigan, if your up near Whidbey you will probably be able to go civilain. most surgeons require, nutrition classes, psche eval, and possibly a 6 mos supervised diet. I started the procees the end of nov. 07 and had surgery 4/11/08 at Madigan.......I have No regrets. good luck.
I received my care through Tricare at Madigan Army Medical Center. I had my first appointment in February, began the pathway, and had surgery in September.
I talked to Meg Volker (she is the case worker for bariatric surgery) in August, when I finished the pathway, and she mentioned that they weren't taking anyone into the pathway until October, so this might be a really good time to get going if you are going through Madigan. I think I still have her phone number if you are going to go through Madigan.