Commissary shoppers - can you help?
Brandy mentioned that PB2 may be available in the military commissaries according to the manufacturer. Would any of you Madigan gals be willing to check that out before I send in an online order? If any of you were willing to do that and pick up a bunch for us, that would no doubt save everyone the shipping costs... Anyway, if there are any commissary shoppers willing to take on this little project, let me know. Thanks much!
Hi, Molly - That is great news for the military shoppers. I hope that the commissaries in the northwest do start carrying it! I've been like you - using it very sparingly...
But now that I've placed an order with the company, I think I'll have plenty to last me for a while!
Too bad you don't live over this way and could have gotten in on the order with us! Enjoy your PB2 and hopefully you'll be able to find it soon at the commissary. Just a suggestion - you might mention it to the commissary manager that you'd like to see them carry it. Might make a difference if they have any control over what they order... Take care!
LOL! It's a powdered peanut butter that is much lower in calories and fat than the regular stuff. It's like 54 calories for 2 Tbsp. compared to around 200 calories for 2 Tbsp. of the regular peanut butter. You can reconstitute it with water or use it in powder form in protein shakes or other things. You can get lots more info at - that's the company that makes it. It's good stuff!!