After today's Appointments...
My paperwork goes into the insurance company for approval.. I have told that I should hear back from them with in 2 weeks. At least was less than that last time for them to reject me... and tell me I needed to do a medically supervised diet... which TODAY is the last appointment. I am also meeting my surgeons Physician Assitant today also to make sure all my "I" are dotted and my "T" are crossed.
Update on my visits today.... my letter to the insurance company goes out tomorrow... and since the only reason I wasn't approved last time.... was I need to do the was the 6 month diet.... so i did my pre-op lab... and got a EKG!!! Two more things to cross off my pre-surgury list!
I also picked up the meal replacement powder for my 2 week pre surg diet. At least during that period I can one meal each day... and unlimited veggies for that 2 week period.
Yes... my surgery will be at Virginia Mason.... I probably will not have surgery until Aug... will your brother be in the hospital then?
I am getting excited since things are getting closer... I offically lost 17 pounds during my 6 month weight loss program... while the weight loss was not great... I am now off of caffine... don't drink pop... drink at least 6 cups of water a day... and I started taking my vitamins! I am also walking more each day.