130 pounds gone forever
I was feeling a bit down about being in a stall for so long...but after talking with the "nut" doctor things are ok and the weight is moving again. I have officially lost 130 as of today. I only have 30 more to make goal. I think the stall was STRESS RELATED...the last 2 months have been horrid. I made through the whole breast cancer scare...can I just say I love Dr Bock..at my 9 month check up he praised my weight loss and then moved swiftly to get me in for a biopsy. 4 days of waiting and the tests came back "NEGATIVE" I am so happy...so at this point I am on track for the breast reduction which is scheduled for 9/16...2 days after I have the 3-day breast cancer walk for the cure. The latest is that my lil miss Emily (my oldest grand-daughter) who is just 3 and 1/2 is scheduled to have heart surgery. She was born with Hypo-plastic left heart syndrome. She has had two major heart surgeries to date..and a couple of other heart things done. We are all hoping that everything works out and this will be the last of them.