Thanks everyone........we will be leaving the house in 15 hours to head to Madigan. My check in time is 9:30am (so maybe surgery is around 11:30-ish??). Anyhow I never got my chest x-ray on my pre-op day, so I headed to Madigan this morning before work. And since I work at 6am, I headed there at 5:15. And wouldn't you know it.........there was no referral in the system!!! So when the surgical center called me with my time I asked about the x-ray. And they said I would definetly need it before surgery. So we are going to head to Madigan about 7:30 tomorrow morning and get that done, and then go over to the surgical center.
I can't believe my day is finally here.........and I still don't feel ready. Even though we have stock piled the pantry with all kinds of things I will be able to sip on, I still find that there are things I didn't buy. So tonite after celebrating my husbands birthday at the Black Angus we are heading back to the store for a few additonal items. Then I will finish the laundry, pack my bag, do the shower thingy and then hope to sleep like a baby.
See you all on the losers bench!