Update on my Father
My brother and I went up to visit our Father on Sunday, and the visit was truely a gift from God. He was very lucid and we talked, laughed , talked about traveling (his favorite topic). Everyone told us ( his wife, my aunt, half-brother) Sunday was his best day in weeks... they were surprized how talkitive he was. I was able to tell him that I loved the aspects of my personality that I got him! My brother was able to make a connection to our half brother that he never had been able to before. I think this may open a door to a relationship that may help and connect all of us in the future. In the end I was able to give my father a hug, I told him I loved him, and he told me he loved me too, and to "be good!" I am sad... tired... kind of numb... and doing the "hurry up and wait" thing... waiting to hear news of his death. His kidneys and liver are failing and he is retaining fluld (he looks pregnant)... so the end is near... Thank you again for all the kind words.... I know I am doing better because of all of you. Helen