A wow moment...and a I'm screwed moment!!!
Ok...so I bought a bridesmaid's dress 2 sizes smaller than what I wore back in September 2007 for my brother's wedding in September 2008! Mind you this was before I decided to have WLS surgery. Well I was going through all the clothes in my closet and decided to try it on for a whim.
IT IS TOOO BIG!!! And here is the I am screwed part.... the wedding is still 4 1/2-5 months away and David's Bridal no longer sells the dress. It was discontinued. I haven't told my brother's fiance yet because she would be soooo pissed. She was the one who kept hounding me to go and buy the freaking dress...and then I nought it 2 sizes to small to make myself get motivated to fit into the damn thing.
Uggh....so now the search is on....on the internet I guess for this dress.
Well... David's Bridal said the dress can be taken in up to 2 sizes....but this is already at least a size to big...so not much room to work with for another 4 1/2 - 5 months.
Here is the funny thing... I have the dress is red the same size I just outgrew because I wore it for my sisters wedding. 2 freaking dresses...same exact style and size...and neither one fits anymore... I am thinking about trying to sell them on ebay...but I am not parting with the black one needed for the wedding until I find another one.
I did check into that...but like David's Bridal said... it can't be taken in anymore than 2 sizes, because of the specific detailing and such on the front of the dress. We would lose most of it...and I know the bride won't go for this at all!!!!
So ... I am checking. I found the dress on ebay last night....for $60....but may have to suck it up and buy it. It is currently 3 sizes smaller than the one I bought so that would mean I would be good for the next 5 or six sizes. If both dresses could be taken in 2 sizes. Does that make since. I just want the peace of mind knowing I will have a dress to wear that fits.