Beautiful Day!!
I have to take my son to the airport today, he's flying back to Kansas because his fiance will be flying in there tomorrow from AIT. I won't get to see him again until July at his wedding, then the end of July he comes back here to ship out. So a very bittersweet day, but once I'm home I will get outside and enjoy some sunshine for you
Congrats on your sucess so far and that is awesome that you wore your bathing suit and had a great time. I have not been on here much since my surgery but al getting stronger each day. I am like you and have to work so when I sit at my desk I can look out in the hall and see the outside world. I would love to be home working in my flower beds but I nedd to have money so it will be a boring workday for me. I hope we have some sun this weekend or I will be very disappointed!!
Have a great day and talk to you soon.