Happy Surgery! You will do great! Dr. S was my surgeon too, and he and the OR nurse even joined us in prayer before I went into the OR. I know he will do his best for you. Take a long, hot, shower or soak in the tub tonight. It will help relax you so you can sleep like a GOOD baby! My best advice is: be demanding! If something doesn't feel right, or you aren't getting what you need, just keep pressing that buzzer until it happens!
Dear Susan, thanks for the encouraging words.....I have faith that makes it easier....."Fear not for I am with thee " that what I will keep saying tp myself.......I'm a little for the after stuff..... it will be one day at a husband will be there and he is my rock.......for 42 years we've been married.... he does sometime annoy me.... but I do love him......I'vew rambled to much....Thanks Bev
Hey Bev,
Gosh.. I can't believe your day is almost here. In less than 12 hours you will be up at Madigan waiting for your surgery. I will be there later in the afternoon. Probably after Chelsea's soccer practice.
I am soo excited for you and just can't wait for my day to be here as well. You will be fine and God will be there with you the entire time.
Take care and I will see you on the other side!!!