OT-Losers bench tags
I have been fooling around with this program I have on a trial basis, so I thought I would make some for anyone who wants them. The bigger one can be used for blogs and the small one may fit into siggy, haven't tried it yet though.
Annie and Jillian, feel free to snag these if you want, and if anyone else wants one, you can post here or message me, just tell me your first name and your surgery date.
Shelly, these are great I'd like one please!!! Bev 3-3-08 ......I'm getting ready for my shower and to go to bed I hope I sleep ......wish I could send you a note tomorrow just remember I'll keep you in my thoughts and I'll find out what room your in and visit you when I can walk enough on tuesday.... and I'll see you before I leave the hospital......good luck....Bev