Surgery time is coming quickly!!!
Wow...just two more nights! Wow! It's kind of surreal...
If you come to visit me - just so you know...I am instructing my dh to take pictures - I want to have pictures of me with my visitors - even if I'm out of it. And I will have something for those of you who come to visit to sign - or write a little note. I am an avid scrapbooker, so I want something tangible to put in my scrapbook - so be warned - you WILL get your picture taken if you come visit me LOL. Shelley and/or Jill will let you guys know what room I'm in when I get it!
I am not nervous yet...but I suspect it will come.
I get scripture each morning sent from Spirit 105.3 - today's seemed totally appropriate for me:
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified: do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9.
I think that really helped. I know that God is with me. He has sent His angels to protect and surround me. Nothing can happen in that Operating Room without his's all going to work out fine.
Thanks for all of your notes on my surgery support page!! I really appreciate it!