NEW Support Group in Gig Harbor WA!
I am a new bander (2/25/2008) and very pleased to have found your Web sight and equally pleased to know that you are starting a new support group. I attended a support group in Port Orchard (pre- surgery) and was terribly disappointed. They served rice soup and high calorie yogurt, (140 cal) which totally dumfounded me. The stories of betting who made it to the bathroom first to throwup on a restuarant outing, and the story of "I don't keep bread in my house, but when I go out to eat I can't wait for the bread to reach table. I slather it with butter and of course enjoy it immensely until I have to run to the bathroom." I expressed my dismay and got a reply of "Well, we have to be able to laugh about this or it would be too hard. You just have to learn to lighten up". I must say I almost cancelled my surgery but then after a day or so of muling over that evening I realized that could not possibly be the norm of support groups. I am looking forward to what I am hoping will be a better experience, and yes I love to laugh, but did not find those stories laughable. Suzanne