Appealing for help
My husband works for the local fire dept here in Wenatchee. Under his policy, any weight loss surgeries are a written exclusion. Its the same for my insurance at work as well. My question is this. One of the ladies who had the surgery locally said to appeal to the board of commissioners at the fire dept, for a one time exception for the surgery, do to the medical necessity of me needing it. As I have also just found out I now need gallbladder surgery (schedule this next week) and she wants me to go back into see a endiocrin specialist, as my cortisol levels are pretty high and pcos is worse, along with other co-morbin conditions. Has anyone gone to get special permission for a one time exception? If so did it work or fail for you?
Thank you in advance, and sorry this was long.
Kathy, I haven't had to do that sorry. Have you already tried the insurance mb here on OH? Maybe you'd find someone who has experience in appeals like that. I truly hope you will be successful and get to have your surgery. It ticks me off to think that people have to suffer poor health just because some insurance companies are too ignorant to know the great benefits there are to wls.
Best of luck to you!!!
You know what, post this on the main board also. I remember someone there a few weeks ago posting about something like this. I think it was depending one how the insurance is funded, the company has the option to overrule the ins company policy. There are some really smart cookies there.
Good luck with your fight!!