I got a second chance...Thank you God!!
I just wanted to let you know that Saturday I was driving home from grocery shopping and 1 mile from the house I had a wreck. It was already dark and it was snowing with a nice touch of sleet added to it. I came around one of the many curves in our road and the next thing I knew the back end of the car was passing me. I did a couple of 360's in the middle of road and then slammed into the ditch on one side but that wasn't the end. I then was slammed into the other ditch that is beside a small mountain and the vehicle flipped on the side and crushed the roof in on the drivers side. I forgot to mention while all this spinning is going on all the groceries and canned goods are being propelled through the car like rockets.
I finally stopped after the cave in and the van was thrown back into the road facing the opposite way halfway in the ditch halfway in the road. I could not find my cell phone and decided to crawl out to go get help. There nearest house was a ways down the road and down an embankment that was great fun sliding down. I think the man that came to the door was a bit shocked to have a knock on his door but more shocked to see me standing there all muddy and blood all over my face.
He took me home to get Brandon and he was as shocked to see me come through the door like that. He called 911 and the sheriff dept to come out. I had to get 4 stitches in my face and I have cuts between eyes and on chin. I have 2 black eyes and bruises from head to toe...and a major concussion! I did not have my seat belt on and was told it was by the grace of God I didn't die. I was told if the car went off the other side I would of hit huge boulders and flipped into the river.
So all of that being said I do thank God for keeping me here and just wanted to tell you that I treasure your friendship and thank God I am still around to be friends with you! I have been nervous about getting the surgery but now I know that God saved me and this is my second chance at life and I will be healthy and thinner . If I can make it through this wreck then I can make it through anything....thank you all for your love and well wishes!!
Love ya ,Mean it!!
Starting weight: 240 Current weight: 130
Thanks for the invite but I live way north of y'all, I live in 2 1/2 hours northeast of Federal Way. I would love to be close to a support group, but I feel with my schedule I will only be able to get support on here. I have a 1 1/2 hour commute to work each day and on the weekends I work my second and third job. I Like Dr Ohi and I feel very comfortable that he will do a great job, I can't wait till I finally have my surgery.
Thank you for your support and kinds words you have given me at diffrent times on here. I really appreciate it. ~Melissa
Starting weight: 240 Current weight: 130