Lakewood Library Get togethers...
Hi Susan I was wondering how late you all were there. Now that I know I will try and stop by around 6 I have an ultrasound appt at 7. Hope to meet you. BTW it is nice to know that everyone is invited not just military famlies. You should post about you group once in a while for newbies to see and a a reminder for everyone else.
Glad to see you've joined OH.
I am doing alright...think it's about my turn to get this thing...hopefully I'll be over the worst of it by Saturday!
Caleb feels better today - still has a slight fever...but eating and running and it's not too bad. All he did yesterday was lay in bed and watch movies and sleep off and on.
Elijah was a little feverish today - but within a couple of hours he was back to running and playing, so I hope that means he's done!